الثلاثاء، 3 ديسمبر 2024

Christianity and spread the Love


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Christianity and spread the Love - Turning the Other Cheek, a quick demonstration of a history of lies, hypocrisy, mass Murders and blood
I tried to test How much one of the Christians I know believe and have faith in the Bible that says "If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the left cheek also"
So, I slapped him on his right cheek and waited for him to run his left cheek for me to give a good slap too. But to my surprise he slapped me back and He forgot about his Bible.
He followed the verse from the Noble Quran " So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear Allah and know that Allah is with those who fear Him" Chapter the Cow (2:194)
Examples of Christian tolerance and turning the other cheek to be slapped by the enemy: -
1) Nuclear Carpet bombing of Japan.
2) Economic Sanctions on Iraq killing millions of kids and then carpet-bombing Iraq many times.
3) Carpet Bombing Afghanistan including the cold-blooded murder of civilians for fun
4) Palestine you know the story
5) The wiping and mass-murder of the indigenous people of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and some parts of India.
6) The traditional occupation, mass murder and exploitation of African poor nations.
7) Hitler is Christian and he has been murdering lots of people as well.
😎 Christian medieval crusade against Islamic countries.
9) The Invasion of many parts of Asia including Vietnam and the mass killing of Vietnamese people.
10) Spanish-American War
11) Philippine -American War
12) Korean War.
13) Russian killing of Civilians and Muslims in Chechnya, Afghanistan and former Soviet Union countries.
14) Serbian Massacres against Bosnian Muslims and against non-Muslims as well
I can include all wars here otherwise I will be writing books consisting of volumes and volumes. For a full list just Google US wars, Christian Crusades.
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