الاثنين، 2 ديسمبر 2024

The companions of Paradise & the wrongdoers


تم النشر بواسطة ‏‎Koky Noor‎‏ 3 ديسمبر 2023 
لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.
The companions of Paradise & the wrongdoers
The companions of Paradise, that Day, are [in] a better settlement and better resting place.
And [mention] the Day when the heaven will split open with [emerging] clouds, and the angels will be sent down in successive descent.
True sovereignty, that Day, is for the Most Merciful. And it will be upon the disbelievers a difficult Day.
And the Day the wrongdoer will bite on his hands [in regret] he will say, "Oh, I wish I had taken with the Messenger a way.
[Holy Quran 25:24-27]

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