الاثنين، 6 يناير 2025

How can angel Gebreel (Gabraiel) alyhi salam is evil spirit?

 How can angel Gebreel (Gabraiel) alyhi salam is evil spirit?

📷Answering Christanity‏3 يناير، 2016‏، الساعة ‏01:30 م‏ ·

Member keerikkadan Jose wrote something against the angel Gebreel (Gabraiel) alyhi salam. He claimed that any spirit that does not recognize the Christ as Son of God is an evil spirit.

How can angel Gebreel (Gabraiel) alyhi salam is evil spirit?

Or how the angel that appeared to prophet Muhammed peace be upon him was evil spirit?

I will not defend our faith as I have written already long post about this point to reply on another member's thoughts.

I will let the bigest heads of the Greatest Church reply on keerikkadan Jose.

And kindly, any Christian can tell me who is the liar?
keerikkadan Jose or the heads of the Church?

Just one answer , who is the liar?

Admin H

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