الخميس، 19 مايو 2016

Reason of the difference in 2 ‪#‎English‬ ‪#‎bible‬ ?

‏‏‎Answering Christanity‎‏ مع ‏‎Elyflor Fatimah Roflo‎‏ و‏‏8‏ آخرين‏‏.
20 مايو، 2014
Reason of the difference in 2 ‪#‎English‬ ‪#‎bible‬ ?
christian will say ..stupid,uneducated ‪#‎muslim‬....its due to different English....
then ask educated #‎christian‬ after showing this image..
How can different English change "son" in to "servant" ?

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