الخميس، 19 سبتمبر 2019

Named His Sons after the Three Caliphs

Ali ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله عنه) Named His Sons after the Three Caliphs
From the children of ʿAlī bin Abī Ṭālib (رضي الله عنه) are those whom he named: Abū Bakr, ʿUmar and ʿUthmān and you will be hard pressed to find the Rāfiḍah Shīʿah mentioning their names.
If Ali’s wife was killed by Umar, and if he himself was persecuted by Abu Bakr and Uthman, then why in the world did Ali name three of his sons after the Three Caliphs? It is a historical fact that Ali named three of his own children as Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman.
This fact is recorded by the classical Shia scholar, Shaikh Mufid, in “Kitab al-Irshad”, pp. 268-269, where these three sons of Ali are listed as numbers 12, 6 and 10 respectively.
Al-Shia(dot)com excerpts this book and it is viewable here:
Therefore, this is not a matter of debate, since Al-Shia(dot)com itself documents how three of Ali’s sons were named Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman.
No one, not even the most magnanimous of people, names his son after his enemies who were responsible for the death of his wife and unborn child. That is why one simply cannot find a Shia today named Abu Bakr, Umar or Uthman.
This fact categorically rejects the Shia paradigm which is based upon the false idea that Ali disapproved of Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. In fact, not only were they not enemies, but rather they were Sahabah (companions) and friends to each other, so much so that Ali honored them by naming his children after them.
This shatters the very basis of Shi’ism which is centered around the supposed oppression of the Ahlel Bayt at the hands of the Sahabah.
Shia would have us believe that it is just one big coincidence that Ali named his sons after Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. They say again and again that these are very common names and so it is not a big coincidence at all.
We remind these Shia that Ali named two of his sons Umar and two of his sons Uthman. Surely, this is not random chance, but rather we see that Ali named his sons after prominent Islamic figures, as many Muslims do today. Maybe one Umar could be a chance, but Ali namedtwo of his sons Umar, and another two he named Uthman, and another one he named Abu Bakr!
Let us look at the naming scheme chosen by Ali for his sons:
1. Muhammad ibn al-Hanafia
2. Muhammad al-Asghar
3. Muhammad il-Awsat
4. Abbas “abul-fazil”
5. Abbas al-Asghar
6. Jafar al-Akbar
7. Jafar al-Assghar
8. Abdullah il-Asghar
9. Abdullah il-Akbar
10. Abdullah “Abi Ali”
11. Uthman al-Asghar
12. Uthman al-Akbar
13. Umar al-Akbar
14. Umar al-Asghar.
15. Abu Bakr ibn Ali
16. Al-Hasan
17. Al-Hussain
18. Awn
Is it all coincidence that Ali named the majority of his sons with duplicate names, with names of family and companions? Fourteen of the eighteen sons are named in either duplicate or triplicate. This was not random!
It would be an astronomical coincidence. If Ali’s naming scheme was random, why can we not find other common names of Arabia?
Like Obaid, Zuhayr, Zubayr, Sufyan, Bilal, Amr, Yasir, Miqdad, Abu Dhar, Faris, Abdul-Rahman, Abdul, and any other of the hundreds of names…

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