الأحد، 26 يناير 2020

Do You Think You Are Handsome Or Beautiful ??

Join Islam | Promote Islam | لااله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Do You Think You Are Handsome Or Beautiful ??
►You are rich?
►You are strong?
►You don't NEED any one?
Okay Now, What About When You Die ??
►You NEED someone to clean your body.
►You NEED someone to cover your body with Kaffan..
►You NEED someone to burry your body AND,
The most IMPORTANT thing, YOU NEED SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR YOU. So,don't be ARROGANT !! Be HUMBLE in this world !!
remember shaitaan was not a stupid but,
he was arrogant !!!!!!!
[ A very good reminder for myself first ]

Only Allah Subhanahu wata'ala is The GREATEST, The ONE, The SUPREME, and INDEPENDENT of anything/anybody.
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