,, Surat Al-An'am, Ayat 50
Say, O Prophet, “I do not say to you that I possess Allah’s treasuries or know the unseen, nor do I claim to be an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me.” Say, “Are those blind to the truth equal to those who can see? Will you not then reflect?”
,, The believers are people who are restrained by the Qur’an, which protects them and prevents them from indulging in that which could bring about their doom. The believer is a prisoner in this world, striving to ransom himself (from Hell), and nothing will make him feel secure until he meets Allah Subhânau wa Ta’âla. He knows that he will be brought to account for his hearing, his sight, his tongue and his physical faculties; he will be brought to account for all of that.
,, Indeed Worship {‘ibadah} is not just excessive praying and fasting, it also requires one to reflect on Allah’s creations.
,, Reflection that makes believers better acquainted with Allah Subhânau wa Ta’âla has been regarded as an act of worship.
,, Surat Al-i'Imran, Ayat 190-191
Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the day and night there are signs for people of reason.
They are those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth and pray, “Our Lord! You have not created all of this without purpose. Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the Fire.
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