الخميس، 10 أكتوبر 2024

☒ Christmas is Spiritual Adultery


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☒ Christmas is Spiritual Adultery
"These be thy gods, O Israel ...
Tomorrow is a feast to the LORD."
Exodus 32:4-5
"Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel
hath done? she is gone up upon every high
mountain and under every green tree,
and there hath played the harlot."
Jeremiah 3:6
For a Christian to have a Christmas tree and engage in Christmas customs around December 25 is the same betrayal as a woman making love to her husband while thinking about another past lover, or with treasured intimate mementos of his in her dresser, or using sexual techniques she learned from him. If you think this is extreme or harsh, read Ezekiel 16 and/or 23 carefully.
☞ God is Jealous. He created and saved His people from serving the devil to be His very own bride. He expects total adoration and perfect obedience. The first and great commandment is to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. He will not share your love or interest with other things. His name is Jealous, and He burns in jealous rage when His people even flirt with anything else (Ex 20:3-5 )
☞ Christmas is pagan idolatry. Superstitious pagans soon invented the worship of agriculture and the sun, for they realized their lives depended on both. Winter celebrations developed long before Jesus to celebrate harvest and the Invincible Sun. It was common to use evergreen branches, wreaths, and trees in their winter festivals. The Bible condemns green trees, even if they are used to worship God and celebrate the birth of Jesus (Deut 12:1-4; Jer 2:20; 3:6,13; 10:1-16).
☞ Only total rejection will work. God is jealous. He will not let you flirt with His competitors. He will not let you keep mementos from past lovers, like an evergreen tree. He will not let you remember the important dates of past intimacy with paganism, like December 25. He will not let you use a blasphemous combination of His name, like Christ's Mass. He demands that you separate totally from your past lovers, the world, and false religion (Rom 12:1-2; 16:17-18; II Cor 6:14-17; II Thess 3:6; I Tim 6:3-5; II Tim 3:1-5; Titus 3:10-11; Rev 18:4).

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