الأحد، 12 يناير 2025

Unforgivable sin in Islam - YouTube

Unforgivable sin in Islam - YouTube

HAVING TATTOO’S IN ISLAM #shorts #muftimenk - YouTube

HAVING TATTOO’S IN ISLAM #shorts #muftimenk - YouTube

Haltet euch von zweifelhaften Sachen fern! Pierre Vogel Abu Hamsa - YouTube

Haltet euch von zweifelhaften Sachen fern! Pierre Vogel Abu Hamsa - YouTube

NAME THAT PROPHET [Ep. 6] #shorts - YouTube

NAME THAT PROPHET [Ep. 6] #shorts - YouTube

Repentance (Tawbah)


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⭐⭐Repentance (Tawbah)⭐⭐
O you who believe! Turn (in repentance) to Allah with sincere repentance; Perhaps your Lord will remove your evil from you…
(Holy Qur'an, 66: 😎
The Prophet of Allah (s) said: There are four signs of one who is repentant:
1) He is sincere to God in his actions
2) He shuns falsehood
3) He is firmly attached to truth and
4) He is eager to do good.
[Al-Harani, Tuhaf al-`Uqool, p. 20]
Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (a) said: “When a servant turns to God with sincere repentance (tawbatun nasuh), God loves him and covers him (i.e. his sins) in the world and the Hereafter.” I said, “And how does He cover him?” The Imam (a) replied, “He makes the two angels (assigned to write his deeds) forget that which they have writ­ten of his sins. Then He inspires his limbs (saying), ‘Conceal his sins,’ and He inspires places of the earth (saying), ‘Conceal the sins that he used to commit over you.’ Then he meets God in such a manner that there is nothing to bear witness against him regarding any sin.”
[Al‑Kulayni, al‑Kafi, kitab al‑'iman wa al‑kufr, bab al‑Tawbah, hadith #1]
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What did the Prophets (love and peace be upon them all) teach in Common?


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What did the Prophets (love and peace be upon them all) teach in Common?
Prophets gave a wake up call as soon as people began to forget God. The people forsook God, worshiped idols, did injustice, and loved evil. But God was kind enough to forewarn them of coming Judgement Day, because of sin, apostasy and disbelief.
God Almighty would do marvelous miracles through the prophets that would give the masses hope and encouragement.
The most important duty of the Prophets (peace be upon them all) was to guide the masses to worship ONE God alone!! They all, always stated, that they were mere Messengers (of God Almighty) to convey the message, they were plain warners and conveyors.
Those who abided by the Message, kept the commandments, did righteousness were the successful ones in both the lives, are those who will enter the Eternal Gardens.
Those who chose evil, deviated, disbelieved and abandoned the Messagers were the Loosers in both the worlds and are the ones entitled for Eternal Punishment.
... and that was the only way of salvation to enter the eternal gardens.
Jesus (pbuh) also taught the same thing, then again people deviated from the main way of salvation !!
People (like before) took Jesus as god or son of god, and that Jesus died for the sin of the people, though EZEKIEL 18 and many more verses clearly state and rule out these major deviations/errors from the right path !!
Muhammed (pbuh) prophesied in the biblical scriptures !! Muhammed (pbuh) fundamentally taught, what all the other Prophets (pbut all) taught. However as Muhammed (pbuh) is the Last Prophet and a big Comforter (as prophesied and foretold in the Bible) whose teachings are going to stay with us till the Last Day of the Judgement, so the teachings are well preserved and are vast !
Don't be a Christian or a Pagan, follow what is right ....
We are not to hold any ego...After all you alone are master and responsible for your destiny, belief and Eternal life..
Now that we have enlightened you with Truth, you have a choice to choose or drop it but u will held accountable before God Almighty and u will not have any choice there as you have now !!!
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