Dankeneyaa nig fulag kafoo - Mandinko - Muhammad Jobe: kumakago le mu mandinka kago la mig ka diyaamu dankeneyaa la kumaayaa la anig fulag kafoo la jawuyaa anig kuwo lu minnu ka deg wolu la
الثلاثاء، 31 يوليو 2018
Muslim Scholars Who Brought Revolutionary Changes In The World Of Science (Part : 2)
Revert Muslims
Muslim Scholars Who Brought Revolutionary Changes In The World Of Science (Part : 2)
Ibn Sina
At A Glance
Name: Abu Ali Sina Balkhi
Birth Date: 981 AD
Death Date: 1037 AD
Birth Place: Balkh (Afghanistan)
Death Place: Hamedan (Iran)
Type of Scholar: Father of Modern Medicine, Physician, Chemist, Physicist, Natural Scientist, Astronomer, Philosopher (Father of Avicennism)
Most Important Books: (1) Al Qanun fil Teb (The Law of Medicine), (2) Daneshnameh Alai (Book of Scientific Knowledge)
Also popularly known as ‘Avicenna’, Ibn Sina was indeed a true polymath with his contributions ranging from medicine, psychology and pharmacology to geology, physics, astronomy, chemistry and philosophy. He was also a poet and an Islamic scholar and theologian. His most important contribution to medical science was his famous book al-Qanun, known as the “Canon” in the West. This book is an immense encyclopedia of medicine including over a million words and like most Arabic books is richly divided and subdivided. It comprises of the entire medical knowledge available from ancient and Muslim source.
Early Life:
This great scientist was born in around 980 A.D in the village of Afshana, near Bukhara which is also his mother’s hometown. His father, Abdullah an advocate of the Ismaili sect, was from Balkh which is now a part of Afghanistan. Ibn Sina received his early eduction in his home town and by the age of ten he became a Quran Hafiz. He had exceptional intellectual skills which enabled him to overtake his teachers at the age of fourteen. During the next few years he devoted himself to Muslim Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Natural Science and studied Logic, Euclid, and the Almeagest.
This great scientist was born in around 980 A.D in the village of Afshana, near Bukhara which is also his mother’s hometown. His father, Abdullah an advocate of the Ismaili sect, was from Balkh which is now a part of Afghanistan. Ibn Sina received his early eduction in his home town and by the age of ten he became a Quran Hafiz. He had exceptional intellectual skills which enabled him to overtake his teachers at the age of fourteen. During the next few years he devoted himself to Muslim Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Natural Science and studied Logic, Euclid, and the Almeagest.
Ibn Sina was an extremely religious man. When he was still young, Ibn Sina was highly baffled by the work of Aristotle on Metaphysics so much so that he used to leave all the work and pray to Allah to guide him. Finally after reading a manual by a famous philosopher al-Farabi, he found the solutions to his difficulties.
Contributions and Achievements:
At the age of sixteen he dedicated all his efforts to learn medicine and by the time he was eighteen gained the status of a reputed physician. During this time he was also lucky in curing Nooh Ibn Mansoor, the King of Bukhhara, of an illness in which all the renowned physicians had given up hope. On this great effort, the King wished to reward him, but the young physician only acquired consent to use his exclusively stocked library of the Samanids.
At the age of sixteen he dedicated all his efforts to learn medicine and by the time he was eighteen gained the status of a reputed physician. During this time he was also lucky in curing Nooh Ibn Mansoor, the King of Bukhhara, of an illness in which all the renowned physicians had given up hope. On this great effort, the King wished to reward him, but the young physician only acquired consent to use his exclusively stocked library of the Samanids.
On his father’s death, when Ibn Sina was twenty-two years old, he left Bukhara and moved to Jurjan near Caspian Sea where he lectured on logic and astronomy. Here he also met his famous contemporary Abu Raihan al-Biruni. Later he travelled to Rai and then to Hamadan, where he wrote his famous book Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb. Here he also cured Shams al-Daulah, the King of Hamadan, for severe colic.
Besides his monumental writings, Ibn Sina also contributed to mathematics, physics, music and other fields. He explained the concept and application of the “casting out of nines”. He made several astronomical observations, and devised a means similar to the venire, to enhance the accuracy of instrumental readings. In physics, his contribution comprised the study of different forms of energy, heat, light and mechanical, and such concepts as force, vacuum and infinity.
Death :
From Hamadan, he moved to Isfahn, where he finished many of his epic writings. Nevertheless, he continued to travel and the too much mental exertion as well as political chaos spoilt his health. The last ten or twelve years of his life, he spent in the service of Abu Ja’far ‘Ala Addaula, whom he accompanied as physician and general literary and scientific consultant. He died during June 1037 A.D and was buried in Hamedan, Iran.
From Hamadan, he moved to Isfahn, where he finished many of his epic writings. Nevertheless, he continued to travel and the too much mental exertion as well as political chaos spoilt his health. The last ten or twelve years of his life, he spent in the service of Abu Ja’far ‘Ala Addaula, whom he accompanied as physician and general literary and scientific consultant. He died during June 1037 A.D and was buried in Hamedan, Iran.
Sahih al-Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah
Revert Muslims مع Samera Isla Kayog وTahir Lawan.
٣١ يوليو ٢٠١٧، الساعة ٣:٠٨ م ·
Sahih al-Bukhari, Holding Fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah
Book 96, Hadith 7
Narrated 'Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "There was no prophet among the prophets but was given miracles because of which people had security or had belief, but what I was given was the Divine Inspiration which Allah revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will be more than those of any other prophet on the Day of Resurrection."
Book 96, Hadith 7
Narrated 'Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (pbuh) said, "There was no prophet among the prophets but was given miracles because of which people had security or had belief, but what I was given was the Divine Inspiration which Allah revealed to me. So I hope that my followers will be more than those of any other prophet on the Day of Resurrection."
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[Qur'aan, 51:56]
قناة الهدى مع Bashir Ahmad و٤٩ آخرين.
And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. [Qur'aan, 51:56]
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*The means of attaining provision*
*The means of attaining provision*
أسباب الرزق
أسباب الرزق
Khutbah by Abu Idrees
07/07/2017 - Salafi Publications
07/07/2017 - Salafi Publications
My brothers and sisters some people believe that the one who clings on to his religion and stays away from prohibition, would remain a poor person. They say that those who follow their deen will not be rich, especially in the lands we live in (ie the West).
They don't realise Allaah is the Razzaq!
They don't realise Allaah is the Razzaq!
The Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam would often repeat 'Rabbana aatina fi dunya hasanatan wa fil aakhirati hasanatan wa qeena 'adhaaba naar.'
Some scholars say about this du'a that the one that truly follows the shari'ah of Allaah then that is the greatest mean of attaining sustenance.
Some means to attain rizq areas follows:
1) *Istighfar* (asking Allaah for forgiveness)
Someone came to Hasan Al Basri and complained about the drought and the imam told him to seek *forgiveness from his Lord*.
Another came and complained about poverty and he gave him the same advice.
And the 3rd asked the imam to make du'a so he would have a child and he advised him with the same.
A 4th complained about the drought also and received the same advice.
The 5th came asking why different people had come and asked for advice for different problems and received the same advice. And the imam said (what means) Allaah says in the Quran in various verses, 'seek forgiveness and He will send down rain, He will bless you with offspring, with wealth, strength upon strength'.
Someone came to Hasan Al Basri and complained about the drought and the imam told him to seek *forgiveness from his Lord*.
Another came and complained about poverty and he gave him the same advice.
And the 3rd asked the imam to make du'a so he would have a child and he advised him with the same.
A 4th complained about the drought also and received the same advice.
The 5th came asking why different people had come and asked for advice for different problems and received the same advice. And the imam said (what means) Allaah says in the Quran in various verses, 'seek forgiveness and He will send down rain, He will bless you with offspring, with wealth, strength upon strength'.
Thus, turning to Allaah is a means to gain sustenance. However sinning is from the asbaab of losing sustenance.
And whomsoever fears Allaah and is dutiful to Him, Allaah will find a way out for any difficulty and provide in ways he can't even imagine.
Allaah mentions (the meaning of), 'in ways he could never imagine' as long as he has Taqwa.
Whatever you may face, meet Allaah with Taqwa and the solution will be brought to you.
The real security is to turn back to Allaah.
Allaah mentions in the Quran (the meaning of) if the people of the town beleived and had *Taqwa* then Allaah would open for them *rizq*.
2) *Keeping the family ties*
Anas said the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said (the meaning of), 'the one who is pleased to have increase in rizq and life span then let him keep the family ties.' (Bukhari)
Bukhari added this in a chapter in his book.
Bukhari added this in a chapter in his book.
Someone may wonder how can a person increase his rizq and life when his life span is already written.
Ibn Taymeeyah says there is no ta'arud, but Al ajal (lifespan) ajalan - Al ajal mutlaq Al ajal muqayid
The ajal is mutlaq and muqayid
Muqtlaq = no one knows except for Allaah Subhaanhu wa Ta'Ala
Muqayid = it is bound to something; referring to the hadeeth
'If there are certain asbaab (means) that are taken by an individual then he will acquire this, so Allaah commands the angels if such person takes such means, then his life span will be this much, and if he leaves off those asbaab, then his life span will be like this.
Muqtlaq = no one knows except for Allaah Subhaanhu wa Ta'Ala
Muqayid = it is bound to something; referring to the hadeeth
'If there are certain asbaab (means) that are taken by an individual then he will acquire this, so Allaah commands the angels if such person takes such means, then his life span will be this much, and if he leaves off those asbaab, then his life span will be like this.
Just as we have Jannah (Paradise) and Naar (Hellfire) - they are maktoub (written) as to who will go where, however we take the asbaab to go to Jannah, and we take the means to stay away from that which will land us in the Hellfire.
We pray Allaah 'Azza wa Jal gives us the fiqh and understanding of these tremendous principles in the religion and we have the ability to act upon it.
3) *Al-Infaq fi sabilillaah - Giving in the path of Allaah*
Allaah mentioned in the Qur'aan, whatever you give in the path of Allaah subhanahu wa Ta'Ala then Allaah will replace it.
And we know that whatever Allaah replaces it with, is far better than what we give.
And we know that whatever Allaah replaces it with, is far better than what we give.
In a hadeeth Abu Hurairah mentioned the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said that Allaah says 'Anfaq ya ibni Aadam, Ounfiq 'alayk' O son of Aadam, give in charity and I will spend on you.
Ibn Katheer mentions about the verse, when Allaah commands giving in charity, He also tells us, (the meaning of) as it is Shaytan who threatens you with faqr (poverty)
Ibn Katheer mentions about the verse, when Allaah commands giving in charity, He also tells us, (the meaning of) as it is Shaytan who threatens you with faqr (poverty)
As there are many stories of the Salaf who would give so much that sometimes they would give everything they had in their homes and Allaah gave them.
So Alhamdulillaah this is another mean for those of understanding and emaan.
4) *Performing Hajj and 'Umrah*
The Prophet said 'Taabi'u bayn al hajji wal 'umrah fa innahumma yanfi'ani minal faqri wa dhunub' - perform hajj and 'umrah as they protect from poverty and expiates sins
Sometimes there are some ahadeeth that the mind can't comprehend but this is when emaan and i'tiqad come into place.
The belief that the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is the truthful, as the mind will process this hadeeth worrying about the price of hajj and wondering how that will make us richer.
The belief that the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam is the truthful, as the mind will process this hadeeth worrying about the price of hajj and wondering how that will make us richer.
But it is from our 'Aqedah that if we give, Allaah will provide for us.
5) *Hijrah* (performing migration for the sake of Allaah subhanu wa ta'Ala)
In a hadeeth the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam mentioned that perfoming hijrah wipes away the sins -
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