الجمعة، 31 يناير 2020
✨ Indeed good actions are a light in the heart,
✨A strengthening for the body,
✨A glow on the face,
✨A cause for extensive provisions
✨Love in the hearts of the creation.
✨A strengthening for the body,
✨A glow on the face,
✨A cause for extensive provisions
✨Love in the hearts of the creation.
✨✨Indeed bad actions are a darkness in the heart,
✨✨A blackness on the face,
✨✨A weakness for the body,
✨✨A cause for decrease in provisions and
✨✨Hatred in the hearts of the creation.
✨✨A blackness on the face,
✨✨A weakness for the body,
✨✨A cause for decrease in provisions and
✨✨Hatred in the hearts of the creation.
~ Ibn Al-Qayyim Rahimahullah✨
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Guide to Islam, A Brief Guide to Understand Islam & Muslims: This guide is for new Muslims & non-Muslims who would like to learn more about Islam, Allah, Prophet Mohammed and the Quran.
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✨ Indeed good actions are a light in the heart,
✨A strengthening for the body,
✨A glow on the face,
✨A cause for extensive provisions
✨Love in the hearts of the creation.
✨A strengthening for the body,
✨A glow on the face,
✨A cause for extensive provisions
✨Love in the hearts of the creation.
✨✨Indeed bad actions are a darkness in the heart,
✨✨A blackness on the face,
✨✨A weakness for the body,
✨✨A cause for decrease in provisions and
✨✨Hatred in the hearts of the creation.
✨✨A blackness on the face,
✨✨A weakness for the body,
✨✨A cause for decrease in provisions and
✨✨Hatred in the hearts of the creation.
~ Ibn Al-Qayyim Rahimahullah✨
Traduction des sens Sourate Sourate Le Butin - La langue arabe - L'exégèse simplifié - Encyclopédie du Noble Coran
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Hadith: Un homme récitait la sourate « La caverne » et il y avait auprès de lui un cheval attaché par deux cordes. - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites
Hadith: Un homme récitait la sourate « La caverne » et il y avait auprès de lui un cheval attaché par deux cordes. - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites: Hadith: Un homme récitait la sourate « La caverne » et il y avait auprès de lui un cheval attaché par deux cordes. - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites
Hadith: Le Prophète (sur lui la paix et le salut) faisait souvent cette invocation : « Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi mes fautes, mon ignorance, mes excès dans mon comportement et tout ce dont Tu es bien plus au fait que moi. Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi mes péchés commis intentionnellement, ceux commis par erreur ainsi que mes fautes commises sciemment et tout cela vient de ma part ! Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi ce que j’ai déjà commis [comme péchés] et ce qui est à venir, ce que j’ai accompli en secret et ce que j’ai accompli en public, et ce dont Tu es bien plus au fait que moi. Tu es Celui qui fait avancer (« Al-Muqaddim ») et Tu es celui qui fait reculer (« Al-Mu’akhir ») et Tu es Omnipotent sur toute chose. » - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites
Hadith: Le Prophète (sur lui la paix et le salut) faisait souvent cette invocation : « Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi mes fautes, mon ignorance, mes excès dans mon comportement et tout ce dont Tu es bien plus au fait que moi. Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi mes péchés commis intentionnellement, ceux commis par erreur ainsi que mes fautes commises sciemment et tout cela vient de ma part ! Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi ce que j’ai déjà commis [comme péchés] et ce qui est à venir, ce que j’ai accompli en secret et ce que j’ai accompli en public, et ce dont Tu es bien plus au fait que moi. Tu es Celui qui fait avancer (« Al-Muqaddim ») et Tu es celui qui fait reculer (« Al-Mu’akhir ») et Tu es Omnipotent sur toute chose. » - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites: Hadith: Le Prophète (sur lui la paix et le salut) faisait souvent cette invocation : « Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi mes fautes, mon ignorance, mes excès dans mon comportement et tout ce dont Tu es bien plus au fait que moi. Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi mes péchés commis intentionnellement, ceux commis par erreur ainsi que mes fautes commises sciemment et tout cela vient de ma part ! Ô Allah ! Pardonne-moi ce que j’ai déjà commis [comme péchés] et ce qui est à venir, ce que j’ai accompli en secret et ce que j’ai accompli en public, et ce dont Tu es bien plus au fait que moi. Tu es Celui qui fait avancer (« Al-Muqaddim ») et Tu es celui qui fait reculer (« Al-Mu’akhir ») et Tu es Omnipotent sur toute chose. » - Encyclopédie des paroles prohétiques traduites
الخميس، 30 يناير 2020
The Person Of Paul And His Apostleship
The Person Of Paul And His Apostleship :
Let us examine the profile of Paul, the author of some 14 out of the 27 books in the New Testament.
Paul was not one of the disciples chosen by Jesus (pbuh), nor did he ever meet Jesus (pbuh). He was a native of Tarsus (a city in modem day Turkey). Though a Jew by race and religion, he enjoyed the privilege of being a citizen of the Roman Empire. He had influential connections with the ruling elite. He was an intelligent, educated person with a knowledge of Greek literature and non-Jewish culture.
Paul strongly opposed Jesus (pbuh) during his life time; he tortured and killed many of his followers (Acts 26:9-11, Galatians 1:13). He was present at the stoning of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr (Acts 7:58-60). He made havoc of the church (Acts 8:3). According to his own report, he was travelling to Damascus to arrest the followers of Jesus (pbuh), when he experienced a visionary encounter with Jesus (pbuh), who, as Paul claimed, commissioned him to be his apostle.
Paul did not learn his 'Gospel' from any of Jesus' disciples or followers:
"I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ." (GALATIANS 1:12)
He always believed in the Jesus (pbuh) of his vision - the mystic Christ, and was not interested in the person of Jesus (pbuh) who lived among his people and preached his Gospel:
"From now on, therefore, we regard no one from a human point-of-view, even though we once knew Christ from a human point of view, we know him no longer in that way." (2 CORINTHIANS 5:16)
Accordingly, Paul preached his own revealed version of Christianity that was fundamentally different from what Jesus (pbuh) himself taught, and different from what Jesus' chosen disciples believed. He achieved tremendous success among the Gentiles as he used all means to win them:
"To the Jews I became a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though I myself am not under the law) so that I might win those under the law. To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law) so that I might win those outside the law." (1 CORINTHIANS 9:20-21)
Is it not strange that Paul portrays the law of the mystic Christ and differing from God's law?
He himself admits to using deceit :
"But if through my falsehood God's truthfulness abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? And why not say (as some people slander us by saying that we say), 'Let us do evil so that good may come'?"(ROMANS 3:7-8)
He explained his position admitting that:
He was not necessarily innocent:
"My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me"(1 CORINTHIANS 4:4)
His preaching was of his own founding:
" What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you came to believe, as the Lord assigned to each I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth."(1 CORINTHIANS 3:5-6)
"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it."(1 Corinthians 3:10)
At times he was not even divinely inspired or guided, but spoke on his own authority:
"But to the rest I say- I not the Lord..."(1 CORINTHIANS 7:12)
"What I am saying in regard to this boastful confidence, I am saying not with the Lord's authority, but as a fool;"(2 Corinthians 11:17)
"Now concerning virgins, I have no command of the Lord, but I give my opinion as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy." (1 CORINTHIANS 7:25)
He preached the mysterious doctrine of Jesus' resurrection in this world as his own 'gospel':
"Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my Gospel, for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal." (2 TIMOTHY 2:8-9)
For deviating from the original teachings of Jesus (pbuh), Paul was rebuked by James, the Head of the Church in Jerusalem and younger brother of Jesus (pbuh). James considered Paul no better than a renegade and a polluted person, and hence prescribed for Paul to go and cleanse himself according to the Law (Acts 21:22-24).
In the process of making give-and-take adjustments with the pagans, the Roman Sunday was 'Christianized' to take the place of the Jewish Sabbath (Friday nightfall to Saturday nightfall), the traditional birthday of the Sun god (25 December) came to be celebrated as the birthday of Jesus (pbuh), and the pagan spring festival of renewal ('Easter') was taken over as a celebration of the Christianized teaching of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Even the Indo- European concept of a triune god was imported; such a 'trinity' was, and remains, offensive to the Hebrew/Semitic religious traditions.
My Case Against Bibl
My Case Against Bible
Is the Biblical God "good and perfect"? Did God give human beings "perfect" laws to obey?
Did this "unchanging" and "in control" God stand by and honor His own laws?
Did this "unchanging" and "in control" God stand by and honor His own laws?
Let’s put to the test one of God’s Bible-documented perfect laws:
Deuteronomy 24:16 Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children for their fathers; only for his own guilt shall a man be put to death.
In my value system, this law does seem just and fair. How about you?
Jeremiah 31:30 ... through his own fault only shall anyone die...
This also seems just and fair.
Ezekiel 18:20 Only the one who sins will die. The son shall not be charged with the sins of the father, nor shall the father be charged with the guilt of the son.
Good job, God. I agree that these laws are just and fair.
But, does the Biblical God truly prove to be just and fair? Does God truly stand by and honor His own documented Bible laws?
Exodus 20:5 & Numbers 14:18 & Deuteronomy 5:9 all document that God said: I am a jealous God inflicting punishment on the children for generations for their father’s wickedness…
Exodus 34:7 The sins of the father will be punished upon his future children and grandchildren to the 3rd and 4th generation for their father's wickedness.
What? Well, this disgusting Bible cannot be much clearer or understood. In my sense of right and wrong, this law is not just and fair.
Reader, do you dare to take a stand on this law being just and fair?
Has anyone noticed that by observing these selected Bible verses, the Bible clearly contradicted itself? Can anyone refute, with integrity, that within these Bible verses lies contradiction? God's "perfect" law is perfectly contradicted by God's own perfect, flawless, God-inspired Bible. It becomes obvious that one must believe because one cannot know the inconsistent and contradictory will of the Biblical God. An astute, honest, questioning thinker may conclude that this inconsistent God character is fictional and that the Bible consists mostly of mythical and supernatural hoaxes.
May be that's the reason why we read in Luke and Deuteronomy asking us not to test God. So that people can be easily fooled and deceived by Bible writers.
Luke 4:12
Jesus answered, "It is said: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
Also see Matthew 4:7 and Deut 6:16 !!!
Jesus answered, "It is said: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"
Also see Matthew 4:7 and Deut 6:16 !!!
Muslim Prince - YouTube
Muslim Prince - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.
Mufti Menk Official - Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World
Mufti Menk Official - Top 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World: Mufti Menk Official Website including Biography and and Audio Lecture Links, Media Accounts and Mufti Menk Podcasts Links
ఇస్లాం గురించి టాప్ 40 ప్రశ్నలు - తెలుగు - అలీ అతీఖ్ అద్దాహరీ
ఇస్లాం గురించి టాప్ 40 ప్రశ్నలు - తెలుగు - అలీ అతీఖ్ అద్దాహరీ: ఇస్లాం గురించి తరుచుగా ప్రజలు అడిగే 40 ప్రశ్నలు మరియు వాటి సరైన సమాధానాలు ఇక్కడ ప్రస్తావించబడినాయి.
లా ఇలాహ ఇల్లల్లాహ్ - తెలుగు
లా ఇలాహ ఇల్లల్లాహ్ - తెలుగు: ఈ చిరు వ్యాసంలో మర్కజ్ దారుల్ బిర్ర్ అధ్యాపకులైన జనాబ్ అబ్దుష్షుకుర్ ఉమ్రీ గారు చాలా చక్కగా లా ఇలాహ ఇల్లల్లాహ్ మరియు తౌహీద్ గురించి వివరించారు. అంతేగాక సున్నతు మరియు బిదాఅత్ ల గురించి, ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం గురించి, ఆయనను అంతిమ ప్రవక్త మరియు సందేశహరుడిగా ఎందుకు విశ్వసించాలనే ముఖ్యాంశం గురించి కూడా స్పష్టంగా, క్లుప్తంగా వివరించారు.
الأربعاء، 29 يناير 2020
Today, many of our scholars, students of knowledge and religious leaders, are preoccupied with culture, ethnic rituals, and static religious doctrines.
They do not consider the "Urf",
i.e. social norms, contemporary thinking, or attitudes of the global village, which the present world has become.
i.e. social norms, contemporary thinking, or attitudes of the global village, which the present world has become.
This has created a grave deficiency in the area of social responsibility,
and have rendered most Muslims, as sincere, religious isolationists.
and have rendered most Muslims, as sincere, religious isolationists.
This is the reason why there is such a dichotomy between the mosque and the greater society.
-- Zakat on wealth earned during the year
-- Zakat on wealth earned during the year
Praise be to Allah
In order for zakaah to be due on money, two conditions must be met:
1 – That it reaches the nisaab (minimum threshold)
2 – That one year has passed since it reaches the nisaab.
If the money is less than the nisaab, then no zakaah is due on it.
If it reaches the nisaab, and one year has passed, i.e. a lunar (hijri) year has passed since the time when it reached the nisaab, then zakaah becomes due at that point.
The nisaab is the equivalent of 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of silver.
The rate that must be paid for zakaah is one quarter of one tenth (2.5%).
If the money reaches the nisaab and it is 1000 for example, then at the end of the year it is 5000, how should zakaah be paid?
That depends:
1 – If this extra amount stems directly from the original amount, such as if the thousand was invested, and earned four thousand, then you should pay zakaah on the entire amount at the end of the year, because the profit on money is connected to the capital.
2 – If this extra amount did not stem directly from the original amount, rather it is money that was acquired by different means, such as an inheritance or a gift, or it is the price of something that you sold, and so on, then a separate year should be counted for it, starting from the day when you took possession of this extra amount. But if you want to pay its zakaah with the thousand, in advance, there is nothing wrong with that.
3 – This extra amount may come gradually, such as money that a person saves from his salary, so he saves 500 one month, and 1000 another month, until at the end of the year he has collected 4000. So you have the choice of paying the whole amount when one year has passed for the thousand, in which case you will have paid zakaah in advance for the money for which a year has not yet passed, or you can pay the zakaah for each sum separately when its year has passed, but this entails some kind of hardship, as you will be paying zakaah several times in one year.
For more information please see question no. 50801.
And Allaah knows best.
Zakaah is due on wealth if it reaches the nisaab (minimum threshold at which zakaah becomes due) and one full hijri year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (9/281):
Zakaah must be paid on what is saved of an employee’s salary and reaches the nisaab by itself or when added to what the individual has of cash, when one year has passed since it reached the nisaab. End quote.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
With regard to money that is being saved for marriage, or to build a home, and so on, it is subject to zakaah if it reaches the nisaab and one year has passed since it reached the nisaab, whether it is in the form of gold, silver, or paper currency, because of the general meaning of the evidence which indicates that zakaah is due on whatever reaches the nisaab, after one year has passed, without exception.
End quote from Majmoo‘ Fataawa Ibn Baaz (14/130).
Whether this money is kept at home, or is stored in a bank account, or otherwise, it is subject to zakaah, if it reaches the nisaab and one year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas said:
Zakaah must be paid on all kinds of wealth, whether it is saved in the bank or otherwise, if it reaches the nisaab by itself or when added to other kinds of wealth, such as trade goods and the like, and one year has passed since it reached the nisaab.
End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (9/200)
Based on that, with regard to this wealth that is kept in the bank – whether it is in dollars or otherwise – it is subject to zakaah every year.
With regard to property that is prepared to be rented out, there is no zakaah on it; rather zakaah is to be paid on the rent, when one year has passed, if it reaches the nisaab by itself or when added to other wealth. Please see the answer to question no. 47760.
But if you spend this rent and do not save any of it, then there is no zakaah on it.
The same may be said about the money that you earn from tutoring: if you spend it and do not save any of it, there is no zakaah on it.
With regard to what you save, when one year has passed, zakaah is due on it.
With regard to the bonds or certificates, so long as you are keeping them for the purpose of benefiting from their profits and not for the purpose of trading in them, there is no zakaah on the capital or principles; rather zakaah is due on the profits or returns, if any of that is saved and one year passes. Whatever you spend of it before one year has passed is not subject to zakaah. For more information and important details on the topic of zakaah on shares, please see question no. 69912.
You should understand that zakaah does not decrease wealth. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) swore an oath to that effect when he said: “Charity does not decrease wealth.” Narrated by Muslim (2588). In fact zakaah is a means of increasing wealth, bringing barakah (blessing) to it and warding off harm from it.
And Allah knows best.
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SERIOUS CHALLENGE FOR CHRISTIANS! How to prove Christians faith false and challenge them by 15 main questions. 1: All prophets of God and their followers were they all practicing Judaism or Christianity or any other faith? 2: Who will go to heaven? The people that practice Christianity or Judaism? 3: Is the salvation comes from the Jews? (those who practice Judaism or Christianity)? 4: Which faith is right and which one is wrong between Judaism and Christianity? 5: Can people with two different faith go to heaven? 6: Was Jesus a Jew man and practice Judaism? 7: Did Jesus pray in synagogue/temple? 8: What faith is for synagogue and temple ? Judaism or Christianity? 9: What make you Christians? What distinguish you from others faith? 10: What make them Judaism ? What distinguish them from others faith? ( beliefs, how they worship, their book) 11: Can two different faith be right both of them? 12: Could prophets of God choose/take wrong path? 13: All prophets that were sent before Jesus were they not the way and the truth to their people? 14: How many God do Christians have? 15: Can God have another God? Let them prove to us that, if their faith is the only truth one, by answering these questions kindly! Some of them answered but contradicted themselves. How they responded to me and how I responded to them ������ Yohanna Dusu You tried but not all of it and yet you contradicting your own words I guess! 1: If they were Jews and practiced Judaism , you are a Christian and not a Jew , then why are you not following their path? Does this not mean you are wrong and they were right? How is the salvation guaranteed for you? Jesus also said Matthew 7:21-23 That he will ignore Christians by doing evil deeds and breaking the laws of God! 2: Jesus is not the one to judge the people as the Bible contradict itself about that. The Bible debunked that John 5:22 Moreover, the Father judges no one, but has entrusted all judgment to the Son. In 1 Peter 1:17 It says that the heavenly father (God) will judge each person's work. In Luke 23:30 it says that Jesus disciples Will judge the 12 tribes of Isrealites One verse says God the father will judge each person's work One verse it says that Jesus will judge everyone One verse says say also his descilples will judge I think you do not have solution about this, if you have more reliable sources then share with us please! How can you say "Jesus is the one to judge about all other prophets" You need to know, you said that the salvation comes from the Jews as the Bible recorded in John 4:22 and all prophets of God will make to heaven. Also it says that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob all will food in heaven (Matthew 8:11). So you doupt about the Bible? As you said you do not know where they will end up all prophets of God and their followers and yet the Bible clarified about that. 3: If the salvation come from the Jews and you are not a Jew man, how can the salvation is guaranteed for you since you are not Jew man? Many of Jews people do not believe in Jesus yet salvation comes from them? They believe Jesus to be son of bastard, his mom was a whore, he is the fake messiah, he was never a prophet of God! Yet the salvation comes from them? Do you think this would make sense to you? 4: You said to believe in Jesus is the right way, what faith are you talking about? Islam, Christianity? Judaism? According to Qur'an? New testament ? Old testament ? You quoted about a verse in the Qur'an 4:171 This verse 4:171, ALLAH does not support and agree with you about your faith, but HE is refuting, disagreeing, also HE does not approve your claim and HE also rejected about that. In some verses of the Qur'an, ALLAH told us to believe TRINITY, causes us hell and to dwell in it and also make us non Muslims! E.g. 5:72-73. The Qur'an tells us what in the words of God, we are all created by God and his God Here is the meaning of the word of God ������ Qur'an 36:82. Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is! Also Qur'an 3:59 and many other verses. So the word of ALLAH that he created
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