الأربعاء، 27 فبراير 2013


Sheikh Khalid Yasin's status.
2 hours ago
"Who started the First World War? Muslims?
Who started the second World War? Muslims?
Who Killed about 20 millions of Aborigines in Australia? Muslims?
Who Threw Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Muslims?
Who Killed more than 100 millions of Red Indians in North America? Muslims?
Who killed more than 50 millions of Red Indians in Southa America? Muslims?
Who took about 180 millions of African people as slaves and killed 88% of them and threw in atlantic oceans? Muslims?
No! They were not Muslims. 1st of all you have to define terrorism properly...
If a non-Muslim does something bad, it is a crime.... But if a Muslim does same he is a terrorist???
Remove this double standard then come to the point!!!

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