الخميس، 26 سبتمبر 2013

does it seem that I'm claiming to be inspired by God ?!!

Since many people have attempted to make Facebook pages about the events that have transpired among us, It also seemed good to me, to make a Facebook page

does it seem that I'm claiming to be inspired by God ?!!
any sane person would answer, ofcourse not, but when it come to the Bible, all Christians turns to insane persons .. Christians often claim that the Bible is all inspired books of God, and revelations from God.

However when we read the Gospel of Luke, we see that this book is not revealed or inspired by God to Luke.

in the very first chapter and verses of the Gospel of Luke Luke himself says:

Luke 1:1-4

Since many people have attempted to write an orderly account of the events that have transpired among us, just as they were passed down to us by those who had been eyewitnesses and servants of the word from the beginning, It also seemed good to me, since I have carefully investigated everything from the very first, to write to you in an orderly sequence, most honorable Theophilus, , so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

As we can see, Luke is not inspired by God nor receives any revelations from God, Luke simply says that it seemed good for him to also write about the things that happened, the things which are believed among the people.

He did not even claimed that it is a gospel or a book, Luke was simply writing A letter for a friend of his, named Theophilus .. they were not so busy people .. this was what they used to do for entertainment in their time!! but Christian father's and leaders made a Saint from him and made his letter as an inspired WORD OF GOD!

the Catholic Encyclopedia says:

"The best information as to his sources is given by St. Luke, in the beginning of his Gospel. As many had written accounts as they heard them from "eyewitnesses and ministers of the word", it seemed good to him also, having diligently attained to all things from the beginning, to write an ordered narrative. HE HAD TWO SOURCES OF INFORMATION, then, EYEWITNESSES (including Apostles) AND WRITTEN DOCUMENTS taken down from the words of eyewitnesses. The accuracy of these documents he was in a position to test by his knowledge of the character of the writers, and by comparing them with the actual words of the Apostles and other eyewitnesses. That he used written documents seems evident on comparing his Gospel with the other two Synoptic Gospels, Matthew and Mark. All three frequently agree even in minute details, but in other respects THERE IS OFTEN REMARKABLE DIVERGENCE" [http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09420a.htm]

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