الثلاثاء، 20 مايو 2014


‎‏ و‏‎Dr. Laurence Brown‎‏ ‏صورة‏ ‏‎Esa/Jesus a Prophet of Allah/God‎‏.
Trinity, The Great Trinity, or Trimurti is a pagan concept! It has absolutely nothing to do with The Oneness of God! It’s only a pagan concept disguised-promoted as The Oneness of God but when you dig inside the reality is otherwise. Look how the human imagination goes beyond fiction! As Albert Einstein said: ‘Two things are infinite; the universe and human stupidity’ Some human being made The One God [The Creator] a man, woman, an animal, an insect, a tree, fire etc… and sometimes a fifty/fifty mixing two kinds, not only that but they turned the human being to an animal [ape]! Isn’t that fascinating when you reflect about it! That will be a big hit if it’s made into a fiction-movie The Creator-Human-Ape, a mix of Zeus Heracles Tarzan King Kong Batman!! The human being by its nature objects to be compared to an animal so how can someone even accept to say that he is an animal, if someone does, he should not object to be called: hey animal! I’ve never seen someone be called an animal and still smiling rather boiling out of anger! So can you imagine when someone says The Creator is a man, women, animal etc… how blasphemous it is?! If someone [human being] can’t accept to be even compared to an animal so how can someone dare to say that The Creator is one of His creations? Don’t they reflect and think? So many call about their own selves advanced but truly they only regressed to a way of life and a thinking worst than the pagans themselves!

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