الأحد، 8 مايو 2016

A Mushrik is the biggest oppressor:

Islam Religion
A Mushrik is the biggest oppressor:
Abd-Allah bin Mas'ud (radyAllahu`anhu) reports that when the verse of [al-Anam 6/82] was revealed “It is those who believe and confuse not their belief with dhulm for them there is security and they are the guided.” the companions felt dejected. They said: "Who among us has not committed oppression (sin) after declaring faith. When RasulAllah (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) got to know of this, he (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) stated: In this verse oppression does not mean sin generally (but polytheism). Did you read the saying of Luqman in the Qur’an advising his son that polytheism is the worst oppression.”

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