الاثنين، 20 يونيو 2016


تمت مشاركة ‏منشور‏ ‏‎iERA‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Koki Noor‎‏.
We have free dawah training courses in ‪#‎Glasgow‬ and ‪#‎Bristol‬ this weekend - don't miss this opportunity to learn how best to share the message of Islam in preparation for the ‪#‎GlobalDawahDay‬ on Saturday 5th July inshaa'Allah.
Saturday 21st June - Glasgow - www.missiondawah.com/call-duty-glasgow/
Sunday 22nd June - Bristol - www.missiondawah.com/call-duty-bristol/
This is an interactive course teaching you how to talk to non Muslims about Islam, convincingly and in a structured way. Learn what to do with all those uncomfortable questions that people always ask. Build your confidence to become a true dawah leader in your community.

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