■ Does fasting ‘Ashoora’ 10 Muharram expiates year sins? What is the reason for venerating this day?.
*** Prophet (sw) said: “... fasting the day of ‘Ashoora’ I hope Allaah will expiate (minor sins) thereby for the year that came before it.” Muslim, 1162.
*** Prophet (sw) said: “... fasting the day of ‘Ashoora’ I hope Allaah will expiate (minor sins) thereby for the year that came before it.” Muslim, 1162.
regard to major sins, they need separate repentance.
*** Ibn ‘Abbaas (ra) said: I never saw the Prophet (sw) so keen (for reward) to make sure he fasted any day and preferring it over another except this day, the day of ‘Ashoora’, and this month – meaning Ramadaan. -Bukhaari, 1867.
■ Reason why the Prophet (sw) fasted on the day of ‘Ashoora’
*** Ibn ‘Abbaas (ra) said: I never saw the Prophet (sw) so keen (for reward) to make sure he fasted any day and preferring it over another except this day, the day of ‘Ashoora’, and this month – meaning Ramadaan. -Bukhaari, 1867.
■ Reason why the Prophet (sw) fasted on the day of ‘Ashoora’
*** The Prophet (sw) came to Madeenah and saw the Jews fasting on the day of ‘Ashoora’. He said, “What is this?” They said, “This is a good(Great) day, this is the day when Allaah saved the Children of Israel from their enemy and Moosa fasted on this day.” He said, “We are closer to Moosa than you.” So he fasted on this day and told the people to fast. al-Bukhaari (1865)
■ When to fast
■ When to fast
People may be mistaken in sighting the new moon of Muharram, So if the Muslim fasts on the ninth, the tenth and the eleventh, then he will have fasted ‘Ashoora’ for certain. Ibn Abi Shaybah narrated in al-Musannaf (2/313) from Tawoos (rh) that he used to fast one day before it and one day after it, for fear of missing it.
Imam Ahmad said: whoever wants to fast ‘Ashoora’ should fast on the ninth and the tenth, unless there is some uncertainty about the months, in which case he should fast for three days. Ibn Sireen said that. End quote.
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