ISLAM and Science مع Shima Marcell و3 آخرين.
Many people were talking about the end of the world in 2012 !
I want to know if they changed their faith now or yet ?
I also want to remind everybody that when you die , it is the end of the world for you so you don't have to wait for the day of resurrection !
When you die , people will cry for few days , they will talk about you for few weeks , then they will forget you , they will continue their life normally , they will laugh again , your death will change nothing ..
They will not benefit you nor will they harm you ..
Then you will start your second life , just you and your deeds ,
You will not get the chance to go back to this life and do more good deeds to save yourself ..
You will be judged about all what you have done in your short life ..
This is a fact , so what did you prepare for it ?!
Never think that you are perfect , the second famous just khalifa Umar ibn al-khattab (ra) used to say : 'If a caller were to call from the sky saying, 'O people! All of you will enter Paradise except one', I would fear that it was me. And if a caller were to call from the sky saying, 'O people! All of you will enter Hellfire except one', I would hope that it was me.'
May Allah forgive our sins and help us to be very nice servants of him ameen
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