الأحد، 12 نوفمبر 2017


Mony Deen
God has promised in the Quran to protect and preserve the Quran.
[Quran 15:9]
Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.
[Quran 56:77-80]
This is an honorable Quran. In a protected book. None can grasp it except the sincere. A revelation from the Lord of the universe.
[Quran 85:21-22]
Indeed, it is a glorious Quran. In a preserved master tablet.
Centuries of memorization, originals still in tact last 1400 yrs and Almighty God hasn't promise to protect any other single scripture in the world except his Final Testament the " GLORIOUS QUR'AN "
Don't you think it itself a Miracle of Almighty God ........ ?????
Now its you time has arrived to check its truth ............ and make a choice ..... !
God Bless you all !

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