الأربعاء، 20 نوفمبر 2019

Teacher of Famous Shia scholar Kamal Haydari believes in tahreef of the Quran

Teacher of Famous Shia scholar Kamal Haydari believes in tahreef of the Quran
In a nutshell:
They asked him about the authenticity of some Khutbah’s and narrations of Ali Ibn Abi Talib (رضي الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ عنه). FINALLY they asked: “The Hadith Thaqalayn (I leaving you behind Kitaballah and Itrati…) WHAT is meant with THAQL AL AKBAR (the HEAVIER of the two things) is it the QUR’AN or the Ahl AL-BAYT?
Answer: The narrations are not authentic. As for your question what is the THAQL AL AKBAR (heavier of the TWO things) then it is the TRUE Qur’an, which is with the Ahl Al-Bayt (as) and in the breasts (i.e. they memorized it) of SOME believers, for the Aimmah (as) sacrificed themselves for the sake of the THAQL AL AKBAR, thus the current Qur’an, the one which is in the hands of the people, is NOT the THAQL AL AKBAR (the heavier thing, as stated in the Hadith), for it is made of narratives from the real, protected quran which is with the Aimmah (as). Wallahu a’lam.
Comment: You see! they don’t believe in the Qur’an!
Whenever you prove it to them, the shia jump up and say:
Go to Iran and Iraq, we have the same mushaf as you!
Shia don’t understand that THIS IS THE CRUX of the matter!
THIS is their belief!
INDEED they have the SAME Mushaf like we have,
YET they believe it is only a “narrative”, a “corrupted” Qur’an, or like one of their scholars said: “MOHTARAM” (respected) BUT, it is not the REAL Qur’an!
And now guess who is one of the major students of this Ayatush-shaytaan Tabrizi? #KamalAlHaydari

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