الأربعاء، 25 ديسمبر 2019

Proof that love between Ahlelbayt and Sahabah was Mutual

Shia-ism is NOT Islam
Proof that love between Ahlelbayt and Sahabah was Mutual
The first thing that should jump out at the reader is that Shia could not deny that Ali named his sons Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. Instead, Shia had to explain away this phenomenon by claiming that Ali did indeed name three of his sons with these names, but that it had nothing to do with his love for the Three Caliphs.
Shia claims that Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman were common names like Tom, Richard or Harry today. Therefore, reasons shia apologetics, it is not surprising that Ali named his sons with these names.
My response to this is simple:
If three men named #Tom#Richard or #Harry came to my house and killed my wife and unborn child, then I don’t think I would #ever name my kids Tom, Richard or Harry.
Whether or not that these are #common #names, the fact that these three individuals did what they did would be enough for me to stay away from these three names. Regardless of the fact that these are common names, there is no chance that a man today would name his children Tom, Richard or Harry after the murderers of his wife/child who had the same exact names.

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