الاثنين، 29 نوفمبر 2021

5 differences between #Islam and #Christianity:


5 differences between #Islam and #Christianity:
1. Christians believe that every human being is born with original sin. In Islam, every human being is born pure, innocent & sinless.
2. Christians believe that #Jesus was the ‘son of God’.
Muslims believe that #God does not have human characteristics of having sons or having parents & that Jesus was born miraculously of the Virgin Mary, & was a noble messenger of God & that his original followers knew this.
3. Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins.
#Muslims believe that no one is burdened by the sin of another & that Jesus was protected & raised up by God unharmed, & that another person was crucified in confusion, that people thought was Jesus & that Jesus will return.
4. Christians believe that the law of the Torah no longer needs to be followed since Jesus died for our sins.
Muslims believe that Jesus himself followed God’s laws & commanded people to do so & that the #Quran contains the most up to date & final law to be followed by humans.
Although Jesus himself contradicts them as he said
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Matthew 5:18 King James Bible
5. Christians pray to God, Jesus & many pray to Mary & other saints.
Muslims believe prayer should only be directed to God, the Creator & sustainer of the worlds & to worship other than God is to go against everything God said in the previous scriptures. Muslim pray to God alone.
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