الأحد، 21 نوفمبر 2021



' 'no prophet is accepted in his home
town' '
in luke 4:24 Jesus is reported to have said:
(New International Version)
"Truly I tell you," he continued, "no prophet is accepted in his hometown."
a similar message is also repeated in d Gospel of Mark chapter 6 verse 4
?New International Version)
Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his
relatives and in his own home." mark 6:4
according to d above biblical passages, Jesus gives a simple and explicit criteria for every truth seeker to recognise and distinguish between true prophet of GOD and false prophet I. e No prophet (meaning no true prophet of #GOD)is
accepted in his own country.
d golden question I will like to ask our christian brothers and sisters with regard to d aforementioned passages is "did prophet Muhammad (upon him peace) fulfill d above criteria mentioned by Jesus (upon him peace) "????.well, d brief history of prophet Muhammad (upon him peace) is enough to answer this question. let have a look at
when prophet Muhammad (upon him peace) began his prophetic mission his very relatives/clan/tribe rejected and persecuted him along with his small number of companions (May Allah be pleased with them) for thirteen years, untilled when d persecution became unbearable, Allah commanded him (and his companions) to migrate to a town named "yathrib",which was later renamed as "madina an nabiyyi" (d city of d prophet ) call in short as "madina ".persecution and denial was exactly what happened to almost all d prophets and messengers of Allah (upon them peace).for example Noah, Abraham, john d Baptist and so on..........
now, I will like to leave d conclusion to our christian brothers and sisters especially d so called christian apologists............

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