الخميس، 3 فبراير 2022

he never, ever, sheds a tear.


“With Socrates, as grand as he is - the exemplar of intellectual integrity, intellectual conscience, courage, the willingness to die in the name of philosophy - he never, ever, sheds a tear.
He never cried.
But anybody who has never cried or shed a tear has never loved anybody. And so we can’t have a conception of philosophy with a one-eyed reason, without both eyes shedding tears.
So there is a sense in which no matter how great Socrates is, we need to socratise Socrates. We need to question the great self questioner…
… Something ain’t right, even with Socrates. Something is missing.
And what is it about the tears? They shatter indifference. The great Rabbi Hechel used to say indifference’s evils was more insidious than evil itself.
Tears. Tears can authorise an alternative reality. They get us to see things that we didn’t see before. They get us to feel things deeper, that we didn’t feel before.”
Professor Cornel West
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