الأحد، 10 أبريل 2022



"You brought me dates, and you did not remove the seeds from them"
What is this saying and who said it?
Omar's attention was drawn to the fact that Abu Bakr went out to the outskirts of Medina after Fajr prayer, entered a small house for hours, and then he goes to his own house. Omar knew everything Abu Bakr was doing, except for the secret of this house.
Days passed and Abu Bakr, the Caliph continued to visit the house.
Omar decided to enter the house after Abu Bakr left to learn what's inside, and what Abu Bakr does after the Fajr prayer.
When Omar entered the little house, he found an old woman who could not move and had no one, and she was also blind.
Omar was shocked by what he saw.
He wanted to know what is the Abu Bakr's relationship with this blind old woman, so he asked her: "What does he do here in your home?"
She answered: "Wa Allahi, I do not know, my son. This man comes every morning and cleans and sweeps the house for me. Then he prepares food for me, and he leaves without talking to me."
So after Abu Bakr died, Omar wanted to continue the care for the blind old woman.
But she said to him: "Did your friend die?"
He said: "How did you know?"
She said:
"You brought me dates, and you did not remove the seeds from them."
Omar bin Al-Khattab crouched on his knees and his eyes filled with tears and said his famous phrase:
"The Caliphs are tired after you, O Abu Bakr.”
Should we cry for Abu Bakr, or Omar, or cry today about the feelings and morals that have collapsed and deteriorated.
*RadiAllahu Anhum* (Allah be pleased with them).
May Allah bless us to work in ways bringing us closer to His obedience and satisfaction. Ameen"
From: Tarikh Dimashq 30/322
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