Trinity an invented lie
1 (same) X 1 (same) X 1 (same) = 1 (same) "True language of mathematics"
1(same)*1(same)*1(same)=1: it is possible
Paulinians Bible and Christianity of Paul says:
1 (Santa Claus-Different person-Father ) + 1 (Young Boy-Different person-Jesus) + (Holy Ghost-Spirit without flesh) so they 3 # 1 they are not one but three so logically and biblically, trinity is not possible in mathematically + biblically
1 (different person:old man like santa clause+1 (different person:young man:jesus)+1(different person:Holy Ghost-dove)=3 not 1 so Trinity which is theoretically possible but logically, scientifically and in reality: impossible: 3 different persons can never equal to 1. it will be three, not 1,
It will be 1 (God-a Guider who guides through sent messenger-God of jesus and all: (Eli or Elohim or Allah: example:
Bible says 'Your God, my God, Your Father, My Father' John 20:17)
1(jesus pbuh: prophet: a man approved of God: bible Act2:22-God did miracles by him)
1(holy spirit-a creation of God : bible: word: pneuma: compare word in Mathew 1:18 & Luke 1:26)
= 3,
1 God of Jesus (Creator-Allah), and Jesus his messenger a creation and holy spirit is a different creation
& this proves to a logical person that 3# 1.
That is why trinity has been removed by 32 Christian scholars from bible in RSV version. Why removed??? Christians have no answer but to accept it’s fabricated concept
The closest verse that you can find in the Bible, which can be taken for ‘trinity’ is the first Epistle of John, Chapter, No. 5, Verse No. 7 which says…‘For there are three which bears record in heaven – the father, the word, and the holy Ghost – and these three are one’. This verse of the Bible, 1st Epistle of John, Chapter 5, Verse No. 7, is the closest resemblance to ‘trinity’ in the full Bible. But if you read the ‘Revised Standard Version’, which has been revised by 32 scholars of the highest eminence, backed by 50 different Christian co-operating denominations – they have removed this verse from the Bible as an interpolation, as a concoction, as a fabrication. It was not removed by Muslims or non-Christian scholars – but it was removed by 32 Christian scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 different co-operative denominations as an interpolation, as a concoction, as a fabrication, because it was not there in the original manuscript. We Muslims – we should thank the galaxies of DDs, ‘the doctors of Divinity’, for getting the Bible one step closer to the Qu’ran – Closer to Islam. As the Qu’ran says…(Arabic)…‘Don’t say trinity’. In fact if you analyze, as I said in my talk, Jesus Christ, (peace be upon him), never spoke about ‘trinity’- that father, son and Holy Ghost – they were one. In fact he said in the Gospel of John, Chapter 14, Verse No. 28, ‘My father is greater than I’, Gospel of John, Chapter No. 10, Verse No. 29, ‘My father is greater than I’, Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No. 12, Verse No. 28, ‘I cast out devils with the spirit of God’. Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 11, Verse No. 20 ‘With the finger of God, I cast out devil’, Gospel of John Chapter No. 5, Verse No. 30, ‘I can of my own self do nothing – As I hear I judge and my judgement is just – Because I seek not my will but the will of the Father who has sent me’- He never spoke about ‘trinity’. In fact when he was asked that, ‘which is the first of the commandments’ – he said – its mentioned in the Gospel of Mark, Chapter No. 12, Verse. No. 29…(Hebrew)… Which means, ‘Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one Lord.
Christian Church – in the Catechism, they tell you that the Father is a person, the Son is a person, and the Holy Ghost is a person – but they aren’t three persons, – they are one person’. Person, person, person, but not three persons – one person – What language is this? 1+1+1 is equal to 3, Its not equal to 1. 1 into 3 is 3…Not 1. So when we ask them that suppose, there are three triplets, identical triplets – If one of them commits murder, can you hang the other – they say… ‘No’. Then you ask them why? – Because each one has a different personality – If one of the triplets commit murder you cannot hang the other, because each one has a different personality. And when the Christian, when they think of the Father in heaven, they think like an old man like ‘Santa Clause’, sitting in the Heaven on one of the Planet with the earth as His foot stool. When they think about the son, that Jesus Christ, (peace be upon him), they think if a tall man who is fair, who has got blonde eyes like Jeffrey Hunter. You see in the movie ‘King of Kings’. He did the acting of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) – Jeffery Hunter – they have a certain mental picture. When they talk about Holy Ghost, they think of a ‘dove’ as the Bible says… ‘which came upon Jesus Christ, peace be upon him when he was baptized’ – Or they think it like a ‘spirit’ that came at the feast of Pentecost which is mentioned in the Bible. But when you ask the Christian that when you speak about trinity, how many pictures do you have in your mind – the Christian will tell you… ‘One’. Believe me he is lying to you, because 1+1+1 is three, it is not one.
3 is not 1: if God, jesus and holy ghost 3=1 so they all 3 should know each and every thing and should have knowledge equally as they one: but bible says: when you read in the Bible, in the Gospel of Mark, Ch. No. 13, Verse No. 32, it says ‘Of that day, of that hour, knoweth no man, – no, not even the angels in the heaven, nor the son of man, but the father’. ‘The knowledge of the hour of that day – no one knows. Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) said ‘Except the Father’ – not even the angels, not even himself. If Father -, the God Almighty, and Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), were one and the same – then if knowledge of hour is known to God Almighty, even Jesus should know about it (peace be upon him). So this proves that they were not one. Further… further, if the brother dies, even the man and the businessman will die… If the brother dies, even man and businessman will die. So when Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), according to the Bible… according to the Christians, he died on the Cross – do you mean to say even God Almighty and the Holy ghost died?
3 is not 1: father, son, that is Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and holy ghost, the same? We know very well that human beings have got flesh and bones – A spirit and God Almighty have got no flesh and bones. Human beings require to eat -God Almighty does not require to eat. And the same message Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) gave – Its mentioned in the Gospel of Luke Ch. No.24, V.No.39 to 43. That, ‘Behold my hands and feet – Its I myself. Handle me and see – that a spirit has got no flesh and bones as you see me have. And he gave his hands and feet – And they were overjoyed. To prove what? that he was not a spirit – he was not God Almighty. And the verse continues ‘Do you have meat to eat’ and the next verse says that he ate broiled fish and honey comb. To prove what? – that he was God? To prove that he was not God! Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) said, ‘A spirit has no flesh and bones, as you see me have: I have proving that he was not a spirit – he was not Almighty God.
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