الخميس، 8 سبتمبر 2022

Does the Qur’ān make a mistake on where semen or sperm is produced? – Sapience Institute

Does the Qur’ān make a mistake on where semen or sperm is produced? – Sapience Institute: This article responds to the objection that the Qur'an, in chapter 86, makes a mistake on where semen or sperm are produced. This objection only undermines the Qur’ān if all the valid interpretations are at odds with established science. What is meant by established science is any empirical observation or scientific conclusion that is extremely unlikely to change. It does not refer to scientific conclusions or theories that may change over time due to new data or observations. The objective of the article is to show that there are at least three valid interpretations of this verse that do not contradict established science or do contain any scientific error.

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