الأربعاء، 23 نوفمبر 2022

Scholars Verdicts on Belief in Darwinism

Scholars Verdicts on Belief in Darwinism
Rulings of the Scholars on The One Who Believes Man Descended From Apes
There occurs in the Fataawaa Nur Alaa al-Darb (1/83-85) a fatwa of Ibn Baz (rahimahullaah) in response to a question posed about the belief that man used to be an ape in the beginning and then gradually evolved and changed into a man. The fatwa can be found here.
From the answer:
This statement which the questioner has mentioned is rejected (munkar) false (baatil) saying that is in opposition to the Book of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, and the Sunnah of His Messenger (alayhis salaatu was salaam) and the consensus of the Salaf of the Ummah... it is obligatory that a servant believe that the creation of Aadam is other than the creation of apes, and that the origin of [the son of] Aadam is the origin that he is upon now, and his origin is not of apes or other than them. Rather, he is a a human fashioned upon his form that is witnessed. So the statement that his origin is from apes is a rejected saying, a false saying. Rather, if disbelief was ascribed to the one saying it, it would be appropriate, and what is most apparent, and Allaah knows best, is that whoever says it alongside his knowledge of what the legislation came with, then he is a kaafir (disbeliever), because he belies (mukadhdhib) Allaah and His Messenger and belies the Book of Allaah in the creation of Aadam.
And also the fatwa of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahullaah) in response to a questioner who said he studied in a book of history that man's origin is from apes, and with the passing of time he changed into a human. The answer can be found here.
From the answer:
This statement is not correct, I mean the saying that the origin of man is from apes, however the one speaking with this, he is in reality an ape, deformed in intellect and deformed in vision (insight), so it is befitting that we call him an ape, and he is not a human, even if he is in the form of a human... this saying that the origin of man is from apes is not correct and believing in it is disbelief, because it is rejection (takdheeb) of the Qur'an...
Final Comment
It is obligatory upon Usamah Hasan to repent for his apparent mockery of the Qur'anic treatment of Aadam's creation (it's too "children's madrasah level") and likewise his mockery of the Muslims at large for affirming their faith in what Allaah revealed to them, and for rebuking them for not being acquainted with the speculative knowledge that Allaah has not praised and nor obligated and nor made to be advantageous in any way to a person's faith or entry into Paradise in Hellfire. Likewise, it is upon him to repent for aligning himself with the staunchest of atheists like Dawkins in their resentment and lamentation that Muslims are taught Darwinism is wrong, and claiming that Dawkins is "largely correct". Likewise, he needs to abandon the following of desires in trying to adduce "religious" proof in trying to merge between the greatest handhold of modern atheism and the Qur'an, which he is doing by citing quotes which are not really in his favour, and that's besides the fact that they do not actually constitute "religious proof" at all, they are just expressions and opinions of a handful of people.
Lastly, there is a calamity greater than this one [i.e. Usamah Hasan's view], which is that the father, Suhaib Hasan, in what has been narrated by numerous witnesses, that on the evening of Friday 14/01/2011 at his mosque, claimed that because his son, Usamah, is a haafidh (memorizer) of the Qur'an is better than most of the audience, and that because he has studied at a high level of science, the people do not really understand what Usamah is saying, and he invoked curses upon those who were involved in certain activities (distributing leaflets against Usamah and not praying behind Usamah). Now, we can't comment on the rights and wrongs as to how people may be handling any particular situation, but the greater calamity here is Usamah Hasan is calling to that which is pure kufr, and takdheeb of the Qur'an, and takdheeb of the Sunnah (and he's using sarcastic language too against what is in the Qur'an and against the Muslims) yet his father, Suhaib Hasan, is essentially claiming that Usamah is much smarter than others who are not sophisticated enough to understand what he is saying! That's not the case, the Muslims know what Usamah is saying, it is plain kufr(!) and it could not be any clearer from the verdicts of the Scholars on this matter. And he is calling to it through radio broadcasts, press articles, signing declarations, attending conferences, making blog posts and so on, and he is doing a pretty good job of making efforts to get his message out. Indeed, the right course of action would be to immediately remove him from all tasks and duties to stop creating fitnah for the Eemaan and ibaadah of the congregation, clarify the truth of this matter openly with the verdicts of the scholars (like those quoted above) and then discipline him separately (upon what a father-son relationship requires). On the contrary, what we see, hear and read is that the father is defending the right of the son to reach independent conclusions, sending faxes abroad, claiming his son is better educated than the rest of us dumb commoners and that we are not able to fathom what he is saying, and he is invoking curses on those from the congregation who are simply trying to safeguard their prayer. To Allaah is the complaint!
قد تكون صورة ‏تحتوي على النص '‏IBN UTHAYMEEN الله رحمه As for the person who believes in it (evolution theory) we say to him: "You are an ape in the form of a human." Qawl al-Mufid 2/245] www.aqidah.com‏'‏
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