الأربعاء، 23 أغسطس 2023

First Human Muslim Was Adam And There Is No Contradiction About That!


First Human Muslim Was Adam And There Is No Contradiction About That!
● In Islam a person cannot be a Muslim, if he/she does not believe in ALLAH and all the prophets including prophet Muhammad (PBUT) (reference sahih al-Bukhari 50, sunan ibn Majah 63...)
● If you disbelieve a single prophet, you disbelieved in ALLAH and all prophets (Qur'an 26:105, 26:123, 40:51, Sahih Muslim 1...)
● Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the first one to submit, first one to believe in ALLAH, himself that he was sent by Allah, all prophets before him, he believed all that before anyone else and He is the first Muslim among his people his time on earth since he became a prophet! (Qur'an 6:163)
Allah never said, "prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is the first human Muslim ever of all time"
● Some Qur'an verses explain one another, prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not the first human Muslim of all time, ALLAH asked him to be one of those who submit (believe in ALLAH, Islam, all prophets including himself...) (Qur'an 27:91), Allah also asked the prophet to follow those prophets which came before him (Qur'an 6:84-90)
● The magicians of Pharaoh said; "we believed the Lord of universe, the Lord of prophet Moses and Aaron (Qur'an 7:121-122) "we are the first people to believe" (Qur'an 26:51). They are the first people to believe in ALLAH, from Pharaoh's people which supported him during the incident, the prove is that they said "we believed the Lord of Moses and Aaron"
They never said "we are the first Muslims out of all mankind" but they are the first believers among Pharaoh's people since they lost the incident . E.g. if I say "he is the first person to win" it's all about "critical thinking" win what? Since When? How? Of all time? It's all about context!
● Prophet Moses (Moosa) said; I am the first to believe that no one can see ALLAH in this life.
ALLAH told us the reason Moses said that (Qur'an 7:173). We should read the verse its context.
● Some non Muslims (Christians) say Allah said "Abraham was the first Muslim" there is no single verse in the entire Qur'an where Allah said that!
The truth has come (arrived) and falsehood has vanished, indeed falsehood is a vanish thing!

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