الثلاثاء، 12 سبتمبر 2023

DONKEY NARRATION🫏 waaa waaa wa


DONKEY NARRATION🫏 waaa waaa wa
Shia take religion from donkeys chain of transmission 👇👇👇🫏
Translation: Ali bin abi Talib RAA was told that the Prophet’s donkey, Ufair, committed suicide!
So Ali said: That donkey spoke to the Prophet ASWS, he said: You are equal to my father and mother, my father told me, that his father told him, that his grandfather told him, that his father was with Noah ASWS on the arc, so Noah ASWS approached him and wiped over his back and said: from the offspring of this donkey there will come a donkey which will be ridden by the best and final prophet.
Ufair then said: so Alhamdulillah, that He made me this donkey.
Reference 🫏
Usul El Kafi 1/237🫏
سول الله صلى الله عليه وآله- قال له: بأبي أنت وأمي -يا رسول الله- إن أبي حدثني عن أبيه عن جده عن أبيه: (أنه كان مع نوح في السفينة، فقام إليه نوح فمسح على كفله ثم قال: يخرج من صلب هذا الحمار حمار يركبه سيد النبيين وخاتمهم، فالحمد لله الذي جعلني ذلك الحمار) (أصول الكافي 1/237).
قد تكون صورة ‏‏نقود‏ و‏تحتوي على النص '‏‎SHIA NARRATION A donkey spoke to the Prophet Muhammad saying: You are equal to my father and mother, my father told me that his father told him, that his grandfather told him, that his father was with Noah on the arc Noah prophet told him from the offspring of this donkey there will come a donkey which will be ridden by the best and final prophet. Ufair then said: so Alhamdulillah, that He made me this donkey Usul El Kafi 237‎‏'‏‏
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