الثلاثاء، 10 أكتوبر 2023

Both the OT and NT as well as noble Quran called JESUS SLAVE (ABD) OF (Allah) GOD.


Both the OT and NT as well as noble Quran called JESUS SLAVE (ABD) OF (Allah) GOD.
Surah Maryam (Mary ) Quran Chapter 19:93
ﺇِﻥ ﻛُﻞُّ ﻣَﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﻭَﺍﺕِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺁﺗِﻲ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَٰﻦِ ﻋَﺒْﺪًﺍ
There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent (God Allah Almighty) as a SLAVE.
Matthew 12
17 So God’s promise came true, just as Isaiah the prophet had said,
18 “Here is my chosen [Jesus] SLAVE (ABD) I love him, and he pleases me. I will give him my Spirit, and he will bring justice to the nations.
Jesus was called ABD (slave) of GOD. The same word used for the slaves of the Jews throughout the Old Testament in
Leviticus 25:44-46
Exodus 21:20-21
Leviticus 25:39
Exodus 21:32
All of the Prophecies about Jesus, the “Servant”, in the Old Testament used the word “Abd” (Slave) in reference to him. A few examples:
Note: GOD's Spirit came upon many in the Bible
Judges 6:34 Spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon
Judges 11:29 Spirit of the LORD came upon Jephthah.
1 Samuel 16:13 Spirit of the LORD came upon David
1 Samuel 16:23 Spirit from God came upon Saul
Jesus, the Slave of GOD, also had the Spirit of fearing GOD in him:
Isaiah 11:1-3 "1. A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.
2. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him (Jesus)-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD (Jesus fearing his GOD)--
3. and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;"
We all are Slave (servant) of God so should be obedient slave
Surah Maryam (Mary ) Quran Chapter 19:93
ﺇِﻥ ﻛُﻞُّ ﻣَﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﻭَﺍﺕِ ﻭَﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﺇِﻟَّﺎ ﺁﺗِﻲ ﺍﻟﺮَّﺣْﻤَٰﻦِ ﻋَﺒْﺪًﺍ
There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a SLAVE.
# So with this at the back of my mind, I decided to investigate the bible
◄ Romans 6:22 ►
But now that you HAVE BEEN SET FREE from sin AND HAVE BECOME SLAVES OF GOD, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

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