الأربعاء، 8 نوفمبر 2023

As you sow, so shall you reap


As you sow, so shall you reap 💡
Wise men said: "Those who search and examine the mighty men are like flies that spin only around impure." "
Yet most people do this daily. One of them is "but people" because they always use that midifier. If you start talking about someone good, such people usually say: "Okay, but...". "Behind that "but" is followed by a lot of insulting words and insults.
"Woe to every slanderer-backer. " (The Humidity, 1)
"And do not listen to any cursing, contemptuous, slanderer, one who spreads the words of others, stingy, violent, great sinner." " (Al-Quran, 10-12)
“O believers, avoid many doubts, for some doubts are indeed a sin. And do not stalk on each other or backbite each other! Would one of you be pleased to eat the meat of his dead brother, and you find it detestable, so fear Allah, Allah is indeed the one who accepts repentance and is merciful. " (Al-Hujurat, 12)
Our happiness is realized when we make others happy and cheerful. You should get to know people, ask about their beautiful qualities and virtues. I realized that as much we respect and are interested in others, the more they respect and appreciate us.
If we neglect and underestimate someone, they will do the same to us and will not want to do anything with us.
Anyone who thinks that people will respect him if he himself does not appreciate and respect them is unreasonable! Who wants to be famous and respected without putting others down?!?
It is an unfair division, and let such people know that "Difficult for those who fail while measuring. " (El-Mutafifun, 1)
📖 Do not mourn - Aid El-Karni
( custom made )
عرض الأصل

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