ISLAM and Science مع نجيدة عبدول.
The Piercing star
An Imaginary picture for a star that emits the most powerful Piercing radiation ever discovered till now. Scientists say that surface of that star is so smooth and it consists of iron, so if we say that this star looks like a hammer that would be an accurate Simile from the scientific point of view
Also, they say that emitted waves by the Piercing star can penetrate anything, even our bodies as these waves penetrate us every moment but we don't feel.
Allah Almighty says about these stars: (By the heaven, and At-Târiq . And what will make you to know what At-Târiq is? (It is) the star of piercing brightness;)[At-Târiq verse 1-3].
The Arabic meaning of the word” At-Târiq” is the knocker, so that when scientists hear the emitted sound they realized that it is like a hammer.
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