الجمعة، 6 سبتمبر 2024

God Is One & Only, According to the Teachings of World Major Religions.


God Is One & Only, According to the Teachings of World Major Religions.
[Please Check The Authentic Evidence from the Religious Scriptures.]
Islam says
"there is no God but Allah" (Quran Surah 3:18 & 13:30)
Judaism says
"Hear O Israel, the Lord God is only one Lord" (Torah Deuteronomy.6:4).
You shall have no other gods beside Me (Torah Exodus. 20:3)
Christianity says
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.(New Testament, Mark 12:29)
Hinduism says
"Ekam Brahm, Dvitiya naste neh na naste kinchan." :- "There is ony one God , not second , not at all, not at all, not in a least bit."( Brahma sutra of Hindu vedanta.)
Ekam evaditiyam :- He is one olny without the second" (Upanishads)
By Final Testament
September 07th 2013
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