الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2024

Your 'Private' Facebook Message has been seen..


لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.

‏‎Invite to God‎‏ مع ‏‎Rahma Ally‎‏ و‏
‏١٣‏ آخرين

Your 'Private' Facebook Message has been seen..
Every word you typed in that message was being observed..
All your Facebook clicks are being watched...
That Photo you just saw has been recorded..
Your every word is being tracked..
Even what time you made it is known..
That profile you went onto is recorded..
The comment you made on your friend's status is observed..
Line by line..
Word by word..
Letter by letter..
That poke you gave is recorded..
Did you know even as you read this, you're being watched?
As I type this, I am being seen..
That Islamic group you made, is recorded..
That Islamic Society link you put up, is noted down..
The Wedding photo you uploaded recently is observed closely..
You're being watched on Facebook and so I am..
Everyday... Every Hour... Every Minute... Every Second...
Watched... Observed... Recorded... Noted...
Nothing is hidden.
Even your Intention is known...
Was it good or bad?
Everything will be revealed.
You can not hide on Facebook..
Scary right?
Do you feel uncomfortable using Facebook now?
Who is Watching YOU and ME every Second On Facebook?
You Ask..
My Dear Friends,
Allah is All-Seeing And All-Knowing...
And the Angels Record every small detail...
“Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record].” (Qur’an: 50:18)
“And indeed, [appointed] over you are keepers,
Noble and recording;
They know whatever you do.” (Qur’an: 82:10-12)
Be God Fearing And God Conscious !!!
“(Ihsan is) it’s to worship Allah as you are seeing Him and while you see Him not yet truly He sees you.” (Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Hadith No. 47)

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