الثلاثاء، 30 أبريل 2013

Imam Ali love to the Sahaba (raa)

بواسطة ‏‎You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free‎‏
Imam Ali love to the Sahaba (raa)
Exposing Shia's Beliefs

Shia' (Rafidda) claim that Ali (radia Allah anhu) hated the Sahaba whom the Shia' claim that they all became disbelievers after the death of the prophet (saw) except 3 persons, but in fact if we examine the Shiite books itself it will show us the real view of Ali (ra) about the Sahaba, first we should mention that, Sayyduna Ali (ra) married Sayyduna Abu Bakr's (ra) wife after he died and he gave his daughter Um Kalthum to Sayyduna Umar (ra) as a wife, he also named three sons of his as Abu Bakr ibnu Ali, Umar ibnu Ali, and Uthman ibnu Ali, does this seem like he hate them ?!!

now to the narrations

Imam Ali said:"I have seen the companions of the Prophet but I do not find anyone resembling them. They began the day with dust on the hair and face (in hardship of life) and passed the night in prostration and standing in prayers. Sometimes they put down their foreheads and sometimes their cheeks. With the recollection of their resurrection it seemed as though they stood on live coal. It seemed that in between their eyes there were signs like knees of goats, resulting from long prostrations. When Allah was mentioned their eyes flowed freely till their shirt collars were drenched. They trembled for fear of punishment and hope of reward as the tree trembles on the day of stormy wind." (Shiite book- Nahjul Balagha, sermon 96)

Majlisi narrated from Tusi who has narrated an authentic tradition, from Ali (as) that he said “I order you regarding the companions of the Prophet (s) , don’t criticize them, because they are the companions of your Prophet (s). They are his companions, they didn’t start any bidah in the religion, nor given honor to any innovator. Yes! The Prophet (s) has ordered me regarding them." (Shiite book - Bihar al-Anwar 22/305 & Hayat ul Qulub , Vol. 2, p. 621)

Jafar bin Muhammad narrates from his father that a man from Quraish came to Amirul Momineen (Ali), and said “I just heard you say : O Allah, guide us as you guided the Righteous Caliphs, who are those? He said “They were two friends of mine, they are Abu Bakr and Umar. They are the Imams of guidance, the two sheikhs of Islam, the Quraishites, and they are the the ones to be followed after the Prophet (s), whoever followed them, will follow the correct path.
(Shiite book - Talkhis Shafi, Vol. 2, p. 428)

Imam Ali (ra) was asked, “Why was abu bakr chosen for the caliphate?” He (ra) replied, “We saw that Abu bakr was the most suitable for this affair amongst the people. He was the companion of the Prophet (saw) in the cave and was the second person ever praised by Allah (swt); and the Prophet made him imam while he (saw) was alive.” (Sharah e Nihjal Balagha, Labin Abi Al-Hadid, 1/332)

Imam Ali (ra) said at the funeral of Umar ibnul-Khattab (ra):
“I want from Allah to accompain you (Umar) with your two friends Rasool Allah (saw) and as-Siddique (ra). Because i heared from Rasool Allah (sws) saying: “I, Abu Bakr and Umar entered together;
I, Abu Bakr and Umar went out together;
I, Abu Bakr and Umar ate together.”

And I want from Allah to accompain you (umar) with those two (i.e. the prophet and abu Bakr).”

Thus the imam turned to Sahabas and said, “By Allah, I wish Allah made my record of deeds like that of Umar’s “ (Shiite book - Kitabe al – Shafi al-Huda, Syed ul – Murtaza and Talkhis Al – Shafi, Tusi)

Ali (ra) says in praise of Uthman (ra), “There is nothing that we know and you are ignorant of that. I can not point out any matter that you are ignorant of. You know all what we know. We were not better than you in any case that we would inform you. And we were not unique in any case that we would inform you of that. You also saw what we saw; and heared what we heard; you were and are the companion of the prophet like we are. And Ibn abi Kahafa and Umer ibn Khatab were not better than you in practice. And you were nearer to the prophet; you became the son-in law of the prophet (twice) while they didn’t. “ (Shiite book - Nahjul Balagha, volume 2, page 232)

Exposing Shia's Beliefs

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