الجمعة، 8 فبراير 2019

◕ The Gospel of Jesus

الجمعة، 4 أكتوبر 2013

◕ The Gospel of Jesus

تمت مشاركة ‏صورة‏ ‏‎You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
◕ The Gospel of Jesus

Jesus said: Verily I say unto you, Where ever ⇨ This gospel ⇦ shall be preached [Matthew 26:13]

● The gospel which Jesus talk about, was it Matthew, Mark, John, Luke or Epistles of Paul? of course not, The Bible of today does not accurately reflect the mission and original teachings of Jesus, because the earliest writings in the New Testament are actually Paul's letters, which were written about AD 50-60, while the four Gospels were not written until the period AD 70-110. This means that the Gospel writers were influenced by the theories of Paul and the different stories from the people which were before the writers of the four Gospels began to write their interpretations of Jesus' activities.

● There are a lot of differences and contradictions in the four Gospels. Luke himself, for example, stated in the introduction of his Gospel that he was just writing a story like many others who were writing about the life of Jesus. He never said that he was inspired by God or that it was exactly the same words uttered by Jesus.

● The New Testament may contains many verses and stories that is true, but the book itself is not considered God's revelation. but the original gospel of Jesus is the word of God; which was a heavenly book revealed at once to Jesus himself not to his disciples or to anyone else, and it was called the Injeel, which contained rules of the Religion. In it was the prohibition of associating partners with God. and the prohibition to consume the usurious gain, pig meat, blood, and the meat of animals not slaughtered properly. It contained the order to perform the Prayer probably twice a day. It had the order to fast, it also contained laws which about making some of the things which had been forbidden upon the children of Israel in the Torah permissible. it also was full of wisdom, good morals and it contained prophecies about the coming of prophet Muhammad. and this Injeel (Gospel) of Jesus is considered to be lost for us.

"And We caused Jesus, son of Mary, to follow in their footsteps, confirming that which was (revealed) before him in the Torah, and We bestowed on him the Injeel wherein is guidance and a light, confirming that which was (revealed) before it in the Torah - a guidance and an admonition unto those who ward off (evil)." [Qur'an 5:46]

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