الجمعة، 8 مايو 2020

Surat Al-i'Imran, Ayat 14-19

Dawah - Calling to Allah
Surat Al-i'Imran, Ayat 14-19
The life of men when they get to the age of puberty is tempted by desire for women when they get married children, when they get children the hoarding of treasures of gold and silver, splendid horses, cattle, and plantations. These are the comforts for the transitory life of this world; the everlasting best comfort, however, is with Allah.
Say : "Shall I tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous will be rewarded by their Rabb? There will be gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will live forever with spouses of perfect chastity and the good pleasure of Allah. Allah is watching His servants very closely."
The righteous people are those who pray: "Our Rabb! We sincerely believe in You: please forgive our sins and save us from the agony of the Hellfire;"
who are steadfast, sincere, obedient, and charitable, and who pray for forgiveness in the morning time.
Allah Himself has testified to the fact that there is no god but Him and so do the angels and those who are well grounded in knowledge standing firm on justice. There is no Ilah (God) except Him, the Mighty, the Wise.
Surely the only Deen (true religion and the Right Way of life) in the sight of Allah is Al-Islam:

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