Shia-ism is NOT Islam
The Story of Karbala
During his Caliphate, Ali (رضّى الله عنه) shifted the Caliphate from Medinah to Kufa in Iraq. The Kuffans were staunch Partisans of Ali (Shia’t Ali). The Jew Abdullah Ibn Saba found the Kuffans to be very receptive to his claims that Ali was divinely appointed by Allah, and his followers became the Saba’ites.
When the Shia’t Ali met the Shia’t Muawiyyah on the battlefield, Muawiyyah (رضّى الله عنه) convinced Ali (رضّى الله عنه) to hold a cease-fire and to use arbitration to decide who will be the Caliph. Ali (رضّى الله عنه) agreed to arbitration.
When the Shia’t Ali met the Shia’t Muawiyyah on the battlefield, Muawiyyah (رضّى الله عنه) convinced Ali (رضّى الله عنه) to hold a cease-fire and to use arbitration to decide who will be the Caliph. Ali (رضّى الله عنه) agreed to arbitration.
This angered the Kuffan Saba’ites because they held the erroneous belief that Ali had been divinely appointed by Allah, so they believed that Ali (رضّى الله عنه) was going against the will of Allah by agreeing to arbitration.
In their minds, there could be no negotiation on a matter that was decreed by Allah. Some of these Kuffan Saba’ites rebelled against Ali (رضّى الله عنه), turning on him and calling him an apostate. These people would be known as Kharajites, and they would eventually assasinate their leader Ali (رضّى الله عنه), the same leader they had once claimed so much love for.
As for the remaining Kuffan Shias who did not become Kharajites, they would later join the forces of Hasan (رضّى الله عنه). However, Hasan (رضّى الله عنه) did not trust these Shia as they were very disloyal. In his book al-Ihtijâj, the prominent Shia author Abu Mansur at-Tabarsi has preserved the following remark of Hasan (رضّى الله عنه):
“By Allah, I think Muawiyyah would be better for me than these people who claim that they are my Shia.” [Abû Mansûr at-Tabarsî, al-Ihtijâj vol. 2 p. 290-291 , Mu’assasat al-A‘lamî, Beirut 1989]
Distrusting his Shia, Hasan (رضّى الله عنه) made peace with Muawiyyah (رضّى الله عنه) and gave him the Caliphate. Hussain’s Shia protested at this, and Hasan (رضّى الله عنه)’s reply is preserved in the most important of the Shia books of Hadith, Al-Kafi:
“By Allah, I handed over power to him for no reason other than the fact that I could not find any supporters. Had I found supporters I would have fought him day and night until Allah decides between us. But I know the people of Kufa. I have experience of them. The bad ones of them are no good to me. They have no loyalty, nor any integrity in word or deed. They are in disagreement. They claim that their hearts are with us, but their swords are drawn against us.” [Al-Kafi, vol. 8 p. 288]
After this reconciliation took place between Hasan (رضّى الله عنه) and Muawiyyah (رضّى الله عنه), the Shia’t Ali remained in Kufa. After the death of Ali (رضّى الله عنه), the ranks of the Saba’ites and their sympathizers amongst the Shia’t Ali increased.
When Muawiyyah (رضّى الله عنه) died, however, his son Yezid declared himself the new Caliph.
This angered the Shias of Kufa. So it was that in Ramadan 60 A.H. that the Kuffans sent letter after letter from Kufa to Mecca where Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) was staying after his flight from Medinah. The Kuffans assured Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) of their loyalty and allegiance to him; they had not accepted Yezid as leader whom they resented.
On certain days, there would be as many as 600 letters accompanied by messengers describing the overwhelming support of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) in Kufa.
This angered the Shias of Kufa. So it was that in Ramadan 60 A.H. that the Kuffans sent letter after letter from Kufa to Mecca where Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) was staying after his flight from Medinah. The Kuffans assured Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) of their loyalty and allegiance to him; they had not accepted Yezid as leader whom they resented.
On certain days, there would be as many as 600 letters accompanied by messengers describing the overwhelming support of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) in Kufa.
Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) decided to send his cousin Muslim Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) to investigate the situation in Kufa. Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) arrived in Dhul Qada where he stayed with Ibn Awsajah al-Asadi. The Kuffans met Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) and pledged the support of 12,000 Shia’t Ali of Kufa.
They promised to fight with and to protect Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) with their lives and all they possessed. When the number who pledged support rose to 18,000 Kufans, Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) felt confident enough to dispatch a messenger to Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) informing him of the bayat (oath of allegiance) of the Kuffans, and urged him to proceed from Mecca and relocate his base to Kufa. So Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) and his near ones began the trek to Kufa.
Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad with 17 came to find Muslim Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) and question him. When Ubaydullah arrived in Kufa, Muslim Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) called the Kuffans to defend him. It was at this moment of need that the Shia of Kufa deserted Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه), fearful of Ubaydullah’s threats. Muslim Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) hid from Ubaydullah in the house of an old woman. The old woman’s son, a part of the Shia’t Ali, notified Ubaydullah of Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه)’s location, hopeful that this act would prevent punishment of the Kufan Shia. Based on this act of treachory, the Shia’t Ali left Muslim Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) to be captured by Ubaydullah.
Later that day–the Day of Arafah, the 9th of Dhul Hijjah–Muslim ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه) was taken up to the highest ramparts of the fort. His last words before being executed were:
“O Allah, You be the Judge between us and our people; they deceived us and deserted us.”
The Shia of Kufa witnessed his execution, and not a single one of them went to the aid of Hussain’s cousin. It is important to remember that only 17 men were with Ubaydullah, whereas there were 18,000 Shia of Kufa who had pledged Bayat to Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) in front of Muslim Ibn Aqil (رضّى الله عنه). How could it be that 18,000 men could not stop 17 men from slaughtering the very man they had just pledged support to? Such was the treachory of the Shia of Kufa.
Meanwhile, Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) had dispatched a messenger by the name of Qais ibn Mushir to inform the Kuffans of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه)’s arrival. The messenger was captured by Ubaydullah, who ordered him to mount the walls. Qais ibn Mushir praised Ali (رضّى الله عنه) and Hussain (رضّى الله عنه), telling the Shia of Kufa that Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) was on his way, and he exhorted them to defend him. Upon that, Qais ibn Mushir was killed. Yet another representative of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) had been killed by 18 men who met no resistance from the 18,000 Shia of Kufa. A ratio of 1,000 Kufans to each of men.
This was the final opportunity to rush to the side of the grandson of the Prophet and protect the Ahlel Bayt. It was after all the invitations and assurances of support from the Shia of Kufa that encouraged Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) to abandon the safety of Mecca for Kufa. But once again faithfulness, courage and commitment was found lacking in the Shia of Kufa. Only a handful emerged to join Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) at Karbala. Hussain (رضّى الله عنه) would comment:
“Our Shia have deserted us.”
The Shia of today will eulogize this day and talk about how 71 men fought against troops.
Where did the kufan shia numbering 18,000 go?
Where did the kufan shia numbering 18,000 go?
Al-Tawwabun (The Penitents)
Four years after the massacre of Karbala, the Shia of Kufa attempted to make ammends for their desertion of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). They called themselves the Al-Tawwabun, which translates to “the Penitents.” This group went to Karbala to comemmorate Hussain (رضّى الله عنه), and here it was that they began Matam, with loud mourning, lamenting, and self-flagellation. These Tawwabun hit themselves to punish themselves for the cowardice that they had shown that led to their Imam’s death just four years earlier.
>This is the origin of the Shia ritual of Matam. It is altogether amusing how the Shia never really wonder where this barbaric custom started from or why it started in the first place. Little do they know that it is a testament to this day of how they killed their own Imam, and how their whole religion is centered around a false commitment to the Ahlel Bayt.
>This is the origin of the Shia ritual of Matam. It is altogether amusing how the Shia never really wonder where this barbaric custom started from or why it started in the first place. Little do they know that it is a testament to this day of how they killed their own Imam, and how their whole religion is centered around a false commitment to the Ahlel Bayt.
One More Act of Shia Treachoury
Karbala was not to be the last act of treason by the Shia against the Ahlel Bayt. Sixty year later, the grandson of Hussain (رضّى الله عنه), namely Zayd ibn Ali ibn Hussain (رضّى الله عنه), led an uprising against the Umayyad ruler Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. Zayd (رضّى الله عنه) received the Bayat (oath of allegiance) of over 40,000 men, of which 15,000 were from the same Kufa that deserted his grandfather. Just before the battle started, all but a few hundred men deserted Zayd (رضّى الله عنه) en masse. On the departure of the defectors, Zayd (رضّى الله عنه) remarked:
“I am afraid they have done unto me as they did to Hussain (رضّى الله عنه).”
Zayd (رضّى الله عنه) and his little army fought bravely and attained martyrdom. Thus, on Wednesday the 1st of Safar 122 AH, another member of the Ahlel Bayt fell victim to the treachery of the Shia of Kufa.
To this day, the Shia still commemorate Ashura by doing Matam (self-flagellation). This ritual was passed down the generations by the Al-Tawwabun (the Penitents) showing us that the Shia of today originate from the same Shia of Kufa who betrayed Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). The very reason that the Shia beat themselves is to punish themselves for this betrayal of the Ahlel Bayt.
The Shia betrayed Ali (رضّى الله عنه), Hasan (رضّى الله عنه), Hussain (رضّى الله عنه), and Zayd ibn Ali ibn Hussain (رضّى الله عنه). The irony is not lost that the Shia claim to be lovers of the Ahlel Bayt and yet historically they have betrayed them and lead to the deaths of Ali (رضّى الله عنه), Hussain (رضّى الله عنه), and Hussain’s grandson (رضّى الله عنه).
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