الاثنين، 21 أغسطس 2023

Just Ask Islam - Salvation: Blood? or Mercy?

Just Ask Islam - Salvation: Blood? or Mercy?: Why don't you Muslims believe in the blood of Jesus on the cross as salvation and Divine Justice? You said to me, "Because God never punishes the innocent for the sins of somebody else." That is true and I agree with that: God is just, no doubts about that. But from your answer, it seems to me you are indicating that Jesus on the cross is not in line with God's Divine Justice, because you say God never punishes an innocent one for the sins of the guilty ones. Right? ... Let the most perfect and most innocent one remove the sin and forgive the children (us) without hurting the children. Now, I ask you something - when children do something bad, aren't the parents in grief over it? Yet they still love their children, right? Think about it like this: suppose the parents are righteous people and they teach the child the right path, yet the child goes astray somehow. Is this the fault of the parents? I do not think so. So why do they suffer? I think that they suffer for the child, because they love him. In Christianity, I have been told that the Lord loves His creation. I do not know if you agree with me on this point. I know that the Coran (Quran, Koran) states that Allah is Mercif

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