السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2024

A Christian gentleman converting to Islam after finding the truth of Islam.


29 ديسمبر 2021 
تمت المشاركة مع العامة
0:05 / 5:00
Welcome to Islam
A Christian gentleman converting to Islam after finding the truth of Islam.
And why not you ?
Come to Islam to again eternal salivation and peace .
Welcome to Islam.
Islam is the only true religion present in the world. Alhamdulillah
Do you want to gain eternal salvation,not only in this life ,even in the life after death.
Welcome to Islam.
Open invitation to all towards oneness of God(Allah Almighty)
Welcome to Islam dear brother /sister from Philippine
Come to Islam to gain eternal salvation not only in this world but also in the life after death.
Welcome to Islam
الحمد الله علی نعمت اسلام
So now we invite you to the true religion, Islam for eternal salvation, would you like to come or still waiting? Be sure death may fall anytime, turn to Allah before that time.
: Welcome to Islam
Come to Islam to gain eternal salvation not only in this world but also in the life after death.(hereafter).
Open and very kind invitation to all non Muslims brothers and sisters to join Islam for everlasting salvation. No one knows when we have to say good by to this temporary world,before that come to the right path.
May Allah Almighty give you proper vision to understand and accept the reality,...God is one and Muhammad Peace be upon him is His last prophet.
NOTE: If you or friends or relatives want to become Muslims, feel free to contact in box and leave the messege. ..Our Admins would contact you. ...if intend, then don't delay a single moment as we exactly don't know about our life. ........Do.Come Please we are waiting. .
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