الجمعة، 30 مايو 2014

muslims who abandoned the masjid of Allah

‏‎Lets know our GOD.‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
Its we muslims who abandoned the masjid of Allah... not more than 1 or 2 saff (rows) get filled up in fajar... and now when the calamity is so near we want to request to the devil, though only good people are thinking to sign the petition, but perhaps these good people even would not have remembered and thought to request Allah swt first before knocking the door of the enemy of humanity and peace.
There is a solution, let the masjids be really full, even without fajar azaaan (in loud speakers), as a token that awake muslims may not really need the sound of the loud speakers, to turn up to masjid of Allah swt !!
Others can sign the petition as requested by Sister Rubeena Begum:http://chn.ge/1oHkbyh

Courtesy: Arshan Ansari
 — مع ‏‎Ohiku Adisa‎‏ و ‏‏35‏ آخرين‏.
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