الجمعة، 30 مايو 2014


‏ ‏‎Lets know our GOD.‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
Indeed, Allaah Azza Wa Jall has bestowed upon certain people great skills and talents that are seen visibly by others, through writing, visual arts or any other form that catches and captures hearts of their audience, this is but a great blessing indeed.

What is alarming is that when people get to taste the sweetness and joy of fame they become so attached to it that they let go of the recognition that Allaah Azza Wa Jall brought them to where they are right now. Astagfirullaah.

O my brother and sister in Islam, when you work for dawa’h, always renew your intention every single time, do not be deceived by other people’s praises, always know that without Allaah Azza Wa jall you are not going to be where you are right now.

Always sit for a while and reflect and I tell you you will be back to your senses and realize that these things you have achieve are given and from Allaah Azza Wa Jall, if they are amazed at you then realize that what they are amazed truly is how Allaah Azza Wa Jall made you able to do such great things on how Allaah Azza Wa Jall made you a reason for them to appreciate Islam, to know their deen and to urge and encourage them to get closer to Him.

I will no more quote verses from the Qur’aan here because you know very well which verses I am talking about, so I would just want to ask you questions that I pray would make you ponder and reflect from.

Who made you?
Who gave you life?
Who gave and bestowed upon you what others praise you for?
Who are you going to return to?

Please, do your soul a favor, remember the ground you are walking on and standing on is but where you will be brought back to the day you will die. You were taken out from earth, and you will be brought back to it as well.

Remember Ali Ibn Abi Talib Radiyallahu Anhu whenever it was time for prayer, whenever he hears the adhan, and makes wudhu, did you know that his color changes, that the other Sahabah Radiyallahu Anhum would ask him what is wrong with him… and then he would answer that it is because he knows to whom he is going to talk to in his salaah! Subhan’Allaah!!!!

Such a great caliph but turns into a scared pale baby out of his taqwa to Allaah Azza Wa Jall! Reflect O people!!!

Wallah, do not be so arrogant on this world, even if Allaah Azza Wa Jall raise you on such status know that this very status of yours is but a test for you and you will be held accountable on how you made use of this status.

In your grave, no people will praise you, only the angels questioning, and your deeds safeguarding you because the very limbs of yours will be caused to speak either against or in defense of yours.

Death approaches, so look into your deeds today, do you think with these deeds, the gates of Jannah will be opened for you? Or will even the earth where your body will be placed welcoming you in pleasant odor and spacious bed?

All up to you.

You were born alone, you will die alone and you will be judged alone. So take heed, for that day approaches since you existed in this world.

And we pray that Allaah Azza Wa Jall keeps us on the right path and make us see and realize that we are nothing but His slaves and that we are nothing without Him.

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