الجمعة، 30 مايو 2014

What's really stopping you from going for Hajj now?

 ‏‎iERA‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
You may have only been Muslim for a short while and you’ve just realised that the Islamic pilgrimage season (#hajj) is around the corner. Even though you don’t know much about it, you recently learned that its an obligation on every Muslim who has the physical and financial means to go.

As a new Muslim, you meet that criteria but may be feeling that there are so many things you need to sort out in your life like learning the prayer or improving your character before you can even dream of going.

The thought of being lost in the crowd not knowing what to do or where to go may be overwhelming and this may be stopping you from taking that step to complete this pillar of Islam saying to yourself: “I’ll do it when I know more, I’ll go when I’m ready insha’Allah! (God Willing)”

In this Friday’s webinar, let's explore:

What's really stopping you from going for Hajj now?

Come along and join the discussion with Shaykh Abu Abdissalam, renowned Islamic scholar and founder of Radiant Drops Hajj & Umrahservice provider.

Friday 30th May | 6:30PM - 8:00PM BST | Online

Register now: www.muslimnow.com/overcome
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