الجمعة، 15 يناير 2021



1. What is Islam?
- What are the basic tenants of faith?
- What differentiates this theology from different religions?
Definition of Islam:
Praise be to Allah.
If you refer to Arabic language dictionaries you will find out that the meaning of the word Islam is submission, humbling oneself,
and obeying commands and heeding prohibitions without objection, sincerely worshipping Allah alone, believing what He tells us and having faith in Him. The word Islam has become the name of the religion which was brought by Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Why is this religion called Islam? For all the religions on earth are called by various names, either the name of a specific man or a specific nation.
So, Christianity takes its name from Christ; Buddhism takes its name from its founder, the Buddha; the Zoroastrians became well known by this name because their founder and standard-bearer was Zoroaster. Similarly, Judaism took its name from a tribe known as Yehuda (Judah), so it became known as Judaism.
And so on. Except for Islam, for it is not attributed to any specific man or to any specific nation, rather its name refers to the meaning of the word Islam. What this name indicates is that the establishment and founding of this religion was not the work of one particular man and that it is not only for one particular nation to the exclusion of all others.
Rather its aim is giving the attribute implied by the word Islam to all the peoples of the earth. So, everyone who acquires this attribute, whether he is from the past or the present, is a Muslim, and everyone who acquires this attribute in the future will also be a Muslim.
The basic tenants of faith
1) Declaration of the Statement of Islamic faith known in Arabic by Shahada and it is as following: I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship, but Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammed is his last and final messenger.
2) Mandatory 5 times a day prayer in specific times. Even if you are sick there are with some lenient conditions to match each sick person’s circumstance accordingly, and it is case by case, example of someone is sick resting in bed and cannot go do washing for the prayer. The sick person does not have to get up and there are other rules to accommodate for him.
3) Fast one month of Ramadan every year, provided you are fit, healthy and can physically fast it. If you are sick, there are certain exemptions again on case-by-case basis. It is worth mentioning, that some non-Muslims who suffer from various chronic health issues get medical advice to be on a detox program which cost them thousands of dollars.
We Muslims have our detox month for free every year that is beneficial for our health, spiritual well-beings and before all that. Plus, Almighty Allah will reward those who sincerely fast Ramadan great rewards in both worlds.
4) Almsgivingknown in Arabic by Zakat, it is a yearly compulsory charity the must meet stringent criteria and imposed on any wealth accumulated, or savings based and not a gross income-based system such as Western secular tax systems. Almsgiving or Zakat is imposed on any wealth accumulated or savings.
This means that any Muslim might not meet the stringent criteria to pay the almsgiving every year if his/her income falls below the threshold.
This means that Islam advice every Muslim to look after his family and his basic needs from shelter by buy a main house for his family or rent if he cannot buy.
Pay for food, medication, all basic bills such as water electricity, phone, internet, maintenance, petrol for his and his family cars etc. Then after meeting all these basic permissible needs, if there is any leftover savings that meets the criteria to pay for almsgiving then he can pay.
Some quick information about Almsgiving criteria to be eligible to pay:
a) To be a Muslim.
b) To be free.
c) To have the full possession.
d) To have the Nisab (a certain amount of goods or money).
e) The owner of the goods or money should be definite.
f) Imposed on any form wealth or savings and not on gross income which is very fair.
g) Pay quarter of the tenth of this savings = ratio is almost 1 out of 40. Provided a one Islamic calendar year goes past while you have this savings and nothing urgent payment for any basic need (such as medical emergency and not pay for holiday for example) will interrupt such one-year requirement.
Difference between Islamic theology from different religions
As explained before, in Islam we worship Almighty Allah alone, no partners, no equals, no sons, no wives, no nieces, No one like
Almighty Allah at all he is Unique, above his throne above all universe, never die he is the first and the last, does no need sons or to be embodied to be like human or to come down to earth to save humanity from himself.
Does not need to be killed on a cross to save humanity, Almighty God is immortal and does not need to kill himself to prove a point to his creations.
Almighty Allah is all powerful all forgiving directly if you truly repent directly to him without a middleman or priest or any confession to any human. Just submit to his will and repent directly and confess directly to him.
Unlike other sub-continental religions of India that is built on the cast racist system, many of them worship one or more of Almighty Allah creations such as cows, mise, cockroaches or perhaps
mosquitoes, and defiantly unlike Catholics and Christians who think that Almighty God consist of a trinity of father, son and holy spirit, this is a polytheism from an Islamic perspective, as a Muslim I would ask a Christian this following question, did the trinity exist before the purported crucifixion of Prophet Jesus Christ, answer is no.
For more information, Google 10 ways to disprove the trinity from the Bible. Whether you are Catholic, a Unitarian or trinitarian Christian, the same pagan polytheistic dilemma of thinking that God has a son goes against all logic and even goes against crystal clear verses from the Bible.
Islam give no divine to anyone even if this person is Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship, but Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammed is his last and final messenger.
Again, unlike Buddhism where they worship no God but pay huge respect to Buddha teachings, who did not create anything, but he is one of Almighty Allah creations,
same apply to all man-made non-Abrahamic divine based religion. Pagan Romans have influenced early Christianity and if you watch DaVinci code movie they are stating that fact.
Islam view Judaism, Catholic and all sects of Christians as they have veered off = Not following the straight path of monotheism and purely worshipping Almighty God. Because they have considered their priests, Popes, or Rabbis to have some form of “Divine”
authority to issue decisions of making someone a “saint” or deprive someone from his/her own faith. Judaism is not an exception in the Islamic view due to their belief in the horrible old testament barbaric atrocities, and their other beliefs in Talmud and Tanakh that have made Jews see themselves as the permanent ‘chosen people of God” regardless whether they follow or not.
Additionally, the arrogant superiority towards rest of the world religions, their disbelief in many prophets such as Prophet Jesus and the last and Final Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him.
Which is a mandatory to qualify for Almighty Allah mercy and paradise, provided you have the pure form of faith and follow that with good deeds as per Islam teachings that was delivered by Prophet Muhammed.
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