الخميس، 23 يونيو 2016


Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Allah, the Exalted, says:
“Do they not look at the camels, how they are created?” (Soorah Al-Ghashiyah, 88:17)
In this Verse, the Creator gently urges us, in words that the Believers take as an instruction, to meditate on His creation of the camel as a creature that points to the greatness of the Creator, the perfection of His power and the beauty of His control.
We will see that the amazing facts that science has recently discovered about the camel explain to us some of the reasons why Allah, Most High, selected this amazing creature, from among His innumerable creations, to remind those who ponder to study it, whether it is the Bedouin with his innate sound human nature (Fitrah) at the dawn of Islam or biologists with their modern equipment at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
It is well-known that camels are of two types. The first is the one-humped Arabian camel which is widely visible in the Arabian Peninsula; it is found as far as India, and west to the edges of the Sahara Desert in Africa. The average lifespan of a camel is more than forty years.
The second type is the two-humped Bactrian camel which is native to Central Asia. Estimates published recently indicate that there are approximately 190 million camels of which 90 percent are the one-humped Arabian variety, more than 80 percent of which are in Africa.
Perhaps the first things that attract attention among the camel’s characteristics are its structure and outward appearance; this structure includes amazing subtleties:
• The eyes are surrounded with two layers of long eyelashes, which protect them from dirt and sand. The eyes have the ability to magnify objects and make them seem close, so that they show distant objects as being close and small objects as large. This is the reason why the camel can be led by a small child or a tiny little beast. Allah, the Exalted, says:
“And We have subdued them unto them.” (Soorah Ya Seen, 36:72)
• The camel’s lips are rubbery and tough, as it eats sharp thorns. They are efficient at gathering food, as the camel does not lose any moisture by having to stretch out its tongue.
• Its ears are small and not prominently visible, and they are covered with hair on all sides to protect them from the blowing sand. The ears have the ability to bend backward, flattened against the head, in the event of a sandstorm.
• The nostrils take the shape of two narrow slits surrounded by hair, with fleshy edges which the camel can close for protecting itself against any wind-borne sand particles that might otherwise enter the lungs.
• The camel’s tail also has hairs that protect the hindquarters from sand particles which are blown by the wind like a hail of bullets.
• The camel has long legs that hold its body above much of the dust that is blown about beneath it, and help it to take long strides and move lightly. Its feet are protected by the Khuff which is enveloped by thick, strong skin containing a wide, soft pad that spreads when the camel takes a step. Thus it is able to travel across the softest and finest sand, which is too difficult for any other animal, and this makes it worthy of its name “the ship of the desert”.
• In many arid regions the camel is still the best means of transportation for crossing the desert. A camel caravan with its loads of supplies and provisions can cross nearly fifty or sixty kilometers in one day. Even today, cars cannot compete with camels in crossing unpaved and rugged desert terrain. There are some camels which are more suited to riding and which move quickly, such as the slim-bodied camel that can cover one hundred and fifty kilometers in one day.
• In harmony with the camel’s long legs is its long neck, which enables it to get its food from plants growing on the ground and clip the leaves from tall trees when it finds them; in addition to that, this long neck keeps the camel’s head above the dirt and helps the camel to carry heavy loads.
• When the camel kneels down to rest or is made to kneel so that it can be loaded, it rests its heavy body on pads of thick skin on the joints of its legs, and it puts most of its weight on them, in such a way that if it were to kneel on another animal or a human being, it would crush them.
These pads are one of the miracles with which the Creator has blessed this amazing animal, as they enable it to sit on very hot, coarse sand; a camel often has nowhere else to sit but on such ground.
• The newborn camel emerges from its mother’s womb equipped with these thick pads; it is something that is inherited and is not like the calluses that appear on the feet of humans when they walk barefoot or wear tight-fitting shoes.
• People benefit in other ways from camels besides traveling and carrying loads. They drink their milk and eat their flesh, and weave garments from their hair, and the Bedouins build tents from their skins.
Aktham said, “Do not curse the camel, for with it blood money and the dowry for a noble woman are paid.” (This refers to the fact that Arabs used to pay the blood money in the event of killing in the form of camels. Think about this sublime etiquette, in which even cursing animals is forbidden.)
It is sufficient virtue for the camel to note that Allah, the Almighty, has made it the best sacrifice that can be brought to His sacred House, and He has made it one of His Symbols, as Allah says:
“And the Budn (cows, oxen, or camels driven to be offered as sacrifices by the pilgrims at the sanctuary of Makkah), We have made them for you as among the Symbols of Allah, wherein you have much good. So mention the Name of Allah over them when they are drawn up in lines (for sacrifice). Then, when they are down on their sides (after slaughter), eat thereof, and feed the poor who does not ask (men), and the beggar who asks (men). Thus have We made them subject to you that you may be grateful.” (Soorah Al-Hajj, 22:36)
These are some of the wonders of the camel’s creation with regard to its shape and external structure. These are characteristics that may be understood with common sense which convinced the Bedouin from the outset of its miraculous creation that points to the might of the Creator.
Now let us carry on looking at the efforts of biological researchers who have discovered many of the biological functions of the camel to demonstrate the secrets that Allah, the Exalted, has created in it.
We will start by explaining what we know about the camel’s endurance and thirst. In the camel’s environment in which there is little grazing and water, nothing can survive except an animal whose body, Allah, Most High, has created in such a way, which conserves whatever it has of water and nourishment. It has many amazing ways of doing so, which leads one to wonder and glorify the Creator:
“…Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright.” (Soorah Ta Ha, 20:50)
• Another feature is that the camel does not breathe from its mouth and it does not pant at all, no matter how hot it is or how thirsty it gets. Thus it avoids evaporation of water in this way.
• The camel is distinguished by the fact that it only loses a small amount of water as sweat in cases of extreme necessity, because of which its body is able to cope with the desert climate in which the temperature fluctuates between night and day. The camel is able to regulate its body temperature so that it fluctuates by seven degrees (i.e., between 34 and 41 degrees Celsius) without suffering any harm. The camel does not have to produce any sweat unless its body temperature rises above 41 degrees Celsius, and this happens only for a short period of the day. In the evening, the camel rids itself of the temperature that it had stored by means of radiating it into the cold night, without losing a drop of water. This mechanism alone saves the camel five whole liters of water.
We should not omit to compare this quality of the camel with the human body, the normal temperature of which is fixed at approximately 37 degrees Celsius; if it falls or rises, this is a warning sign of sickness which must be treated quickly. If a man’s body temperature reaches either of the two levels between which the camel’s body temperature fluctuates (34 and 41 degrees Celsius), he may die. There is something else which is worth mentioning: the extent to which the body is affected by the temperature outside it has to do with the difference between the body temperature and the outside temperature. Were it not for the flexible temperature regulation system that the Creator has bestowed upon the camel, the difference between the camel’s body temperature and the heat of noon would be great. But the camel’s own body makes its temperature 41 degrees in the soaring heat of day in the desert, which makes the difference between the temperature outside and its body temperature. This means that the thirsty camel is more able to bear the heat than the camel that has had enough to drink. Glory be to Allah, the Exalted, Who has full knowledge of His creation.
• Biologists who study bodily functions have added another reason which explains the camel’s ability to put up with hunger and thirst: It produces water that it needs from the fat that is found in its hump by chemical means which man cannot imitate.
It is known that when fat and carbohydrates are burned in the body, nothing is produced but water and carbon dioxide, which the body rids itself of by exhaling it, in addition to a huge amount of energy which is needed to sustain biological functions.
The camel resorts to burning the fat, most of which is stored in the hump, when food is in short supply or not available at all. It burns it gradually and the hump shrinks day after day, until it flops over to one side and becomes an empty bag of skin hanging down, and that happens if the exhausted camel goes hungry and thirsty for a long time whilst traveling.
• Another Sign of the wisdom of Allah in His creation of the camel is that the reserve of fat that He has given the camel is greater than that of any other animal. We find sufficient indication of that if we compare the camel with the sheep, which is well-known for having large hindquarters filled with fat. While we find that the sheep is able to store more than 11 kilograms of fat in its haunches, we find that the camel stores over ten times more than that (i.e., 120 kilograms). This is undoubtedly a huge amount from which the camel benefits by processing it and turning it into water and energy and carbon dioxide. Hence, the camel is able to go without water for approximately one and a half month. But the effects of intense thirst exhaust it and cause it to lose a lot of weight. Yet, despite that, it carries on and does not lose its strength until it finds water, fresh or salty. The camel’s extraordinary ability to drink concentrated salty water is attributed to a special mechanism in its kidneys which excretes the salts and minerals in highly concentrated urine after extracting most of the water and sending it to the bloodstream. So the camel is able to drink that type of water vigorously until its thirst is quenched.
• There are many other secrets which science has not yet discovered, but they highlight other miraculous aspects of the camel’s creation as indicated by the Holy Qur'an.
Let us ponder the Words of Allah, the Exalted:
“Do they not look at the camels, how they are created? And at the heaven, how it is raised? And at the mountains, how they are rooted (and fixed firm)? And at the Earth, how it is outspread? So remind them (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) you are only one who reminds.” (Soorah Al-Ghashiyah, 88:17-21)
In these Verses, Allah, the Almighty, singles out the camel from among all His living creatures, and places the admonishment to ponder over the way in which it has been created preceding the admonishment to ponder over how the heavens were raised, the mountains rooted and the Earth spread out. He invites us to make the act of observing and pondering over the creation of these creatures an introduction to sincere faith and belief in the power and brilliance of the Creator.
There has recently been some interest in looking into the distinct role that camels may play in tackling the problems of securing food for humans. In 1984 and 1985, when there was a drought in Africa, Kenyan tribes that depended on cattle were nearly wiped out when the cattle stopped producing milk and then most of them died, whereas the tribes that depended on camels survived, because they continued to produce their milk throughout the drought. Hence, there are economic incentives for taking an interest in camels and economists have called for in-depth studies of this animal in a world where food and energy resources are becoming increasingly depleted.
• Comparing some of the abilities of camels and humans makes it clearer that the camel represents a unique type of miracle. Scientific experiments have proved that the camel which eats dry food is able to withstand thirst in the intense heat of summer for two weeks or more, but as a result of this severe thirst it loses one quarter of its weight in that period of time. In order to understand this extraordinary ability we should compare it to the ability of man who cannot survive in similar circumstances for more than one or two days.
If a man loses 5 percent of his weight in water, he loses his reason and cannot judge things properly. If the loss is increased to 10 percent, he becomes deaf, confuses his words and mumbles, and he loses the ability to feel pain. (No doubt, this is by the mercy of Allah, the Exalted, toward him when His decree comes to pass). If he loses more than 12 percent of his weight in water, he loses the ability to swallow and it becomes impossible for him to survive even if he finds water, except with the help of rescuers. When rescuing a man who has nearly died of thirst, the rescuers must give him water very slowly in order to avoid the impact of a sudden change in the ratio of water in the blood. But when the thirsty camel finds water, it can drink it in vast quantities without help from anybody so that it can regain in a short while the weight it had lost during the days of thirst.
• There is another way in which the camel differs from man. The thirsty camel is able to quench its thirst with any kind of water that it finds, even if it is seawater or water from a swamp that is very salty or bitter. That is due to a special mechanism in the camel’s kidneys which excretes the salts and minerals in highly concentrated urine after extracting most of the water and sending it to the bloodstream.
But if a thirsty man attempts to save himself by drinking salty water, that is more likely to hasten his death. Even more wonderful than all of this, if a camel is placed in very harsh surroundings of blazing desert heat, it can conserve a great deal of water in the form of sweat, urine and water vapor in its exhaled breath, until it loses approximately one-quarter of its body weight, without suffering any harm.
The remarkable thing about that is that most of this water that it loses is taken from its own body tissues, but it only uses a small amount of the water content of its blood. Hence, the blood continues to flow and control its temperature and cool the surface of its body.
[from “Scientific Miracles in the Oceans & Animals” by “Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad”, published by Darussalam, 2010]

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